A Life To Think About

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The Corner At National Review Online doesn't do a lot of celebrity stories, so this one surprised me.  It also gave me a lot of food for thought.

On Monday, Amy Holmes posted a piece about the death of spin-meister DJ AM, nee Adam Goldstein.  Amy points out that according to the New York Times, Mr. Goldstein's death may have been a suicide.  He was 36 years old, a millionaire, and had luxury homes on each coast.  Why would he commit suicide? 

Amy Holmes suggests that the perpetual adolescence he had achieved in society along with his success simply did not satisfy him.  Ms. Holmes points out that there has been much written about the effect of the perpetual adolescence of men on the women who interact with them, but not much has been written about the effect of perpetual adolescence on the men practicing it. 

She concludes her article by saying:

"One could say that Goldstein died too young at the mere age of 36. But one could also say that he lived too young, too."

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