Why I Never Believe Campaign Promises

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I will admit to being a political junkie.  I follow political campaigns and listen to what is said.  Sometimes I think there are some really good ideas put out, but I am more than a little cynical about ever seeing any campaign promise actually kept.  Well, here's another one.

The Hill is reporting that pork barrel (earmark) spending has increased in 2009.  According to the article:

"Earmarks, which are inserted in appropriations bills by members in order to fund specific projects, added up to $19.9 billion in 2009, according to an analysis by the Taxpayers for Common Sense and Center for Responsive Politics. Earmarks in 2008 spending bills were worth $18.3 billion."

According to the article:

"The member of Congress to win the most earmark money was Cochran, whose earmarks added up to $1.22 billion. They included funds for repairs to hurricane damage at an Army ammunition plant and for construction at the University of Mississippi School of Pharmacy.

"The House member with the most earmark money was Rep. Dave Loebsack (D-Iowa), whose earmarks totaled $217 million. Many of Loebsack's earmarks were also requested by Iowa's two senators, Tom Harkin (D) and Chuck Grassley (R)."

Term limits, anyone?

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