Some Behind The Scenes Aspects Of The Healthcare Debate

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The healthcare debate is heating up, despite the fact that Congress is in recess.  There are a few aspects of this debate which have been somewhat under-the-radar that need to be looked at. 

Power Line ran an article yesterday detailing who the White House has hired to manage the advertising campaign to promote the Congressional healthcare bill.  The article points out:

"Glenn (Reynolds of Instapundit)also quotes Politico's Ben Smith: "It's hard to imagine a situation in which, say, Karl Rove was still getting checks from a firm that was, in turn, employed by the drug lobby not drawing fire from the left, and Axelrod's arrangement is, a bit belatedly, getting that attention." Hugh Hewitt cites this Bloomberg story and calls it David Axelrod's very big problem."

There is an obvious conflict of interest here that is being ignored, but let's look at some of the other aspects of the story.

Politico is reporting:

"House Democrats are probing the nation's largest insurance companies for lavish spending, demanding reams of compensation data and schedules of retreats and conferences.

"Letters sent to 52 insurance companies by Democratic leaders demand extensive documents for an examination of 'extensive compensation and other business practices in the health insurance industry.'  The letters set a deadline of Sept. 14 for the documents." 

Meanwhile, the American Thinker reports:

"Nick Choate, a spokesman for Stupak (Rep. Bart Stupak (D-Mich), Chairman of House Energy and Commerce investigations and oversight subcommittee), said 52 letters were sent late Monday to the nation's largest health insurers, those with $2 billion or more in annual premiums. He said letters were not sent to other industry groups, some of which have been airing television advertising in support of Obama's call for legislation. (Emphasis added)"
I am nervous about any legislation that requires so much arm twisting.  The intimidation tactics being used against anyone who speaks out against this bill are not politics as usual.  The amount of real information being put forth by the people in support of this bill is miniscule.  That alone should make every voter suspicious of what is in the bill.
To get a better idea of what is in the bill and what it means to you, I suggest two websites--
Both these sites have parts of HR 3200 posted and in the case of Defend Your Healthcare, the site has information on both the Senate and House bills.
Do your own research and make up your own mind.

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