Defending Our Rights

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The current Justice Department seems to be more interested in politics than in doing its job.  Power Line posted an article yesterday with a link to a National Review article by Andrew McCarthy regarding the criminal investigations being launched against CIA interrogators.  Attorney General Eric Holder stated in April that "we're going to follow the evidence wherever it takes us, follow the law wherever that takes us."

If this Justice Department is so willing to follow the evidence wherever it leads, why, then, did the Department of Justice drop charges against the Black Panthers in Philadelphia who were intimidating voters?

According to the article in National Review:

"For the Obama/Holder Justice Department, other considerations outweighed following the evidence wherever it led. The Panthers who turned out to be above the law include Jerry Jackson, a credentialed Democratic-party poll-watcher who brays on MySpace about "Killing Crakkkas." Thanks to Holder's decision, Jackson is right back in business, having obtained new poll-watcher credentials just days after DOJ dismissed the case.

"The CIA interrogators are having a rougher time with prosecutors than did the Black Panthers. They are retaining counsel and preparing for a lengthy investigation that likely will prove personally and professionally ruinous. The Los Angeles Times reported over the weekend that Holder is close to naming a prosecutor to probe whether the agency and its officers committed criminal misconduct."

The Attorney General may score a few political points against the George Bush administration by ruining some lives in the intelligence community, but in doing so, he is making us less safe.  The result of this witch hunt will be a timidity in questioning terrorists that will quickly come back to bite us.  Meanwhile, people in America are allowed to intimidate voters to sway elections.  This is not the stuff of which democracy is made.

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