Sometimes The Internet Provides Perspective

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Yesterday Power Line posted an article that puts all the fuss about Michael Jackson and his funeral into perspective.  The article is entitled "Honor The Jackson Five."  Now before you make the obvious assumption, let me tell you what the article is actually about, and let me ask you to please link to it and read it.

The people at "Move America Forward" (a site I have not linked to because it's a little extreme for my taste, but be my guest if you want to check it out) sent out an email listing the first five American servicemen and women to die in Iraq whose last name is Jackson. You can read the email at the Power Line link in the first line of this article.

These five men and women will not be honored with televised funerals or large crowds gathering to remember them, but the cause they served will make waves in the Middle East for generations to come.  Please take a moment today to pray for their families.  They are the real heroes.  And, as I have said many times before--if you see a serviceman today, thank him!  

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