Overseeing The Bank Bailout??

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According to The Hill today:

"Senators who oversee the $700 billion Wall Street rescue package held stocks in many of the banks bailed out towards the end of last year, according to financial disclosure reports released Friday.

According to the reports detailing senators' finances in 2008, nearly half of the members of the Senate Banking Committee had holdings in financial institutions that have taken funds from the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP). The panel has jurisdiction over the bailout fund and other relief efforts directed by federal regulators to save the nation's financial system."

This should enrage every taxpayer in America!!!  Our tax money was used to bail out banks that (surprise!) the Senators overseeing the program owned stock in.  Please read the article for names and numbers.  Any Senator who owns stock in a bank that he voted to bail out should be voted out of office as soon as possible.  It's time for term limits on all elected officials and for a closer examination of the ethics of the people we elect.

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