Who's Minding The Store?

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According to the Washington Times today, the $787 billion in stimulus money is being tracked and overseen by the taxpayers.  Did you know that?  Out of the ten Congressmen who were scheduled to attend the subcommittee's second meeting, dramatically titled "Follow the Money Part II", only three bothered to attend.   Reresentative Brad Miller, chairman of the House Committee on Science and Technology's subcommittee on investigations and oversight, has stated that they are enlisting the entire American citizenry to help oversee the program.

Earl Devaney,an ex-cop who is now chairman of the Recovery Act Accountability and Transparency Board, is charged with tracking the torrent of cash now pouring out of federal coffers.  According to the article, Mr. Devaney:

said his board - made up of 10 IGs - has a dual mission: "First, the board is responsible for establishing and maintaining a Web site." Oh, and second, it's supposed to "help minimize fraud, waste or mismanagement."  

Since only three members of the committee bothered to attend the subcommittee meeting, it will be interesting to see how this goes. 

Representative Paul Broun of Georgia, the subcommittee's ranking Republican, asked, "How do you plan to verify the actual number of jobs created?"

"Sir, we haven't really received any information about that on the Web site," Mr. Devaney said."

Seeing that more than $700 million dollars of taxpayer money is involved here, shouldn't someone be paying attention and attending meetings?. 

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