This Should Make New York City Traffic Truly Interesting

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According to today's New York Post, yesterday was the first day of the new program of banning automobile traffic on Broadway between 42nd Street and 47th Street.  The idea behind this move is that the angle of Broadway creates odd-angled intersections in the city which congest traffic, so closing down Broadway entirely to automobiles will help the traffic throughout the city flow more smoothly.  This I've gotta see!

Yesterday traffic was moving well through the area, but it was a Sunday afternoon on a holiday weekend.  There are definitely doubts about how the area will look during commuter hours.  This will be interesting to watch.  I have a daughter who works in New York City, so I am counting on her to check in with me tomorrow and tell me how this program has actually impacted the traffic situation.


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This page contains a single entry by Granny G published on May 25, 2009 5:55 AM.

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