Just A Quick Thought On The Torture Debate

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Power Line posted a short article by Paul Mirengoff today dealing with the charges that George Bush's 'torture' policies were a drastic departure from the 'American' way.  The article links to a previous Power Line article by Paul detailing the use of 'torture' since World War II.  There was no difference in policy--the change was that the political party not in power decided to release classified information in order to make the political party in power look bad.  The actual effect of the release of this information was to make America look bad in the eyes of the world. 

The issue of terrorism during the Bush Administration was the first time in the history of America that a party not in power had used national security as a political issue.  Unfortunately, that is still going on and will continue in the future.  It is a shame that our elected officials are too small as people to put the interests of the country above their own personal gain.

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