Where Do You Get Your Information?

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There is an article at Hot Air today showing the results of a poll done by Pew Research on how well informed Americans are based on the media outlets they follow.  The people polled were asked three political questions.  Only 18 per cent of the public was able to answer all three questions together.  To read the questions, please see the article, but here are some of the statistics from the article:

Here is the top ten, as an example, with their aggregate scores:

  1. New Yorker/Atlantic - 48%
  2. NPR - 44%
  3. Hardball - 43%
  4. Hannity & Colmes - 42%
  5. Political magazines - 39%
  6. Rush Limbaugh - 36%
  7. Business magazines - 36%
  8. BBC - 34%
  9. Colbert Report - 34%
  10. News Hour (PBS) - 33%

Hannity and Rush were the only two outlets where over 80% of the audience could correctly identify the majority party in the House.  Only a handful of others scored in the 70s.  How did we do?  Not too bad.  "Online news" ranked 14th, with an aggregate score of 29%.

Part of our problem with being informed is that the people who are supposed to be informing us are not doing their job, but we have to take responsibility for finding other sources to get reliable information.

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