The Proper Perspective

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Ed Morrissey at has posted the definitive comments on a New York Post article abount a certain politician's daughter photographed using cocaine.  The bottom line is, "Leave the daughter alone.  She is responsibile for her choices.  Her actions have nothing to do with her father.  His daughter is 27, please respect her privacy."   It is unfortunate that recreational drug use is not unusual in this country, but it is a fact of life.  The fact that someone would try to make serious money out of someone else's drug use is disturbing.

Ed Morrissey points out that the woman's identity on the tape is not confirmed and then sums up the situation as follows:

"If the woman's identity was confirmed and she was a public official, then that would be news.  The person alleged to be in this tape is not a public official, but the adult daughter of a public official.  Does this inform us of public policy, competence or integrity in office, or corruption or abuse of power?  Not at all.  So what's the point, except to take a cheap shot at a public official we may not like?"

I agree.

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This page contains a single entry by Granny G published on March 30, 2009 6:51 AM.

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