Where Do We Go From Here?

The nuclear deal with Iran is awful. Just as the nuclear deal with North Korea paved the way for North Korea to get nuclear weapons, the nuclear deal with Iran will pave the way for Iran to get nuclear weapons. Because the agreement will go to the United Nations (where it will pass) before it goes to the United States Senate, there will be immense pressure on Senators to agree to the deal. That’s where we were yesterday, but this is today. The deal is getting even worse.

Breitbart.com, is reporting today that now that the deal is on its way to approval., Iran would like to rewrite it. This would be comical if it were not a serious matter.

The article reports:

On Saturday, the Fars News Agency reported that the Majlis threatened to reject the agreement’s provision on ballistic missiles, which call for an international embargo on missile technology to be extended for eight years–a significant, last-minute concession by the U.S.

Iran wants unrestricted ballsitic missile development and access to conventional arms dealers abroad.

“The parliament will reject any limitations on the country’s access to conventional weapons, specially ballistic missiles,” said Tehran MP Seyed Mehdi Hashemi.

In addition, the nuclear deal says that the Majlis will ratify the Additional Protocol (AP) to the Non-Proliferation Treaty–but it does not say when.

The AP is the key to long-term monitoring of Iranian nuclear research and development by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). Without approval of the AP, Iran may hide key information about its nuclear activity, and may accelerate advanced centrifuge research immediately when the nuclear deal expires, among other hazards. (Even then, its commitments under the AP will be somewhat voluntary.)

Meanwhile, the economic sanctions will be lifted on Iran so that they can resume supporting terrorism around the world. We have been snookered.

Something To Ponder As The Cry For War Gets Louder

ISIS is a horrible organization. They kill innocent people, and they are barbarians. I don’t think too many people will argue that. However, the American public is being manipulated, and we need to look past the obvious.

If America begins to fight ISIS, we will be (intentionally or otherwise) aligning ourselves with Iran. Remember them. They are the people who routinely take Americans prisoner (Pastor Saeed Abedini is an American citizen). Iran kills homosexuals, imprisons Christians, and has been responsible for much of the unrest in the Middle East. Iran’s goal is to set up a Shiite caliphate in the Middle East under their control. The goal of ISIS is to set up a Sunni caliphate in the Middle East under their control.

President Obama is becoming concerned about his legacy (that usually does happen in the last two years of any president’s term). ObamaCare is looking a little shaky, and the rest of the world doesn’t look too stable either. A treaty with Iran would at least be something he could point to as an achievement (it wouldn’t be, but he could point to it). There are some obstacles–how do you get said treaty past Congress (the Senate is supposed to approve treaties, and even Democrats don’t like some of the things already revealed about this one), and how do you sell a treaty that allows Iran to go nuclear to the American public (who are not total idiots)? This is the way you do this. The media begins to play up the atrocities of ISIS and how horrible they are (they are, but that is not the point right now). The media conveniently overlooks the atrocities committed by Iran and convinces the American people that Iran is not the same country that took over the American Embassy in 1978. It’s a stretch, but the media is good at creating and rehabilitating images.

You need to prevent Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu from coming to America and telling Congress the truth about Iran. If you can’t prevent that from happening, you at least need to get enough Democrats out of the Capitol at the time so that they will not know what he said (and will vote for a treaty allowing Iran to go nuclear).

This is where we are. To fight ISIS is to support Iran. To support Iran is to ignore our relationship with Israel, our strongest and most reliable ally in the Middle East. It will be interesting to see if the media campaign around this war on ISIS works.