This Is What Leadership Looks Like

It is obvious to most Americans that the Biden administration has turned its back on Israel. That is a dangerous thing to do–look what happened to the British Empire after they reneged on the Balfour Declaration or Germany after they declared war on the Jews. The Bible makes it very clear that there is a price to be paid for the betrayal of God’s people. I truly fear for our nation.

On Thursday, The Jewish News Syndicate posted an article that included some of Israeli Prime Minister Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s comments at his May 5 speech at the Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial Museum in Jerusalem. This is what leadership looks like.

The article reports:

“Eighty years ago, in the Holocaust, the Jewish people were totally defenseless against those who sought our destruction,” Netanyahu says in the speech, which was delivered on the occasion of the first Holocaust Martyrs’ and Heroes’ Remembrance Day (Yom HaShoah) since the Oct. 7 Hamas massacre.

“Today, we again confront enemies bent on our destruction,” the premier continues. “As the prime minister of Israel, the one and only Jewish state, I pledge here today, from Jerusalem, on this Holocaust Remembrance Day, if Israel is forced to stand alone, Israel will stand alone.”

The article notes:

Israel’s War Cabinet, as well as the broader Security Cabinet, is set to meet on Thursday to discuss the latest developments in the relationship with the United States.

A source in Jerusalem told Israel Hayom that the Cabinet is united in its view that the IDF should expand its operation in Rafah and occupy the city.

“Israel must do this to show the Biden administration and the entire international community—and of course also Iran and Israel’s other enemies—that we are not an American protectorate, but rather an independent country,” the source said.

The article concludes:

At a Defense Ministry ceremony on Thursday ahead of Israel’s Memorial Day, which will be marked next week, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant vowed to achieve all war goals in the country’s north and south.

“I appeal to our enemies and our friends: It is impossible to subdue us,” said Gallant. “We will ensure Israel’s existence, whatever the cost may be, and keep clearly in mind the pledge we signed just a week ago at the Holocaust Day ceremony: Never again.”

Genesis 12:1-3 says:

12 The Lord had said to Abram, “Go from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land I will show you.

“I will make you into a great nation,
    and I will bless you;
I will make your name great,
    and you will be a blessing.[a]
I will bless those who bless you,
    and whoever curses you I will curse;
and all peoples on earth
    will be blessed through you.”[b]

I am not willing to test God in that area. Unfortunately, the Biden administration is.