Fear vs. Courage

Author:   R. Alan Harrop, Ph.D       

Decisions in life are best made by rational thought that weighs the facts and potential outcomes and the best alternative is chosen. I believe most people would agree with that statement. When emotions enter the decision making process errors and mis-judgements are the result. There is plenty of evidence that the Marxist Left is trying and in many ways succeeding in destroying the foundations of this country.  A blind man can see it. 

  Why are they being so successful?  I believe it is through the use of fear and intimidation. Franklin Roosevelt did many things that in the long run put this country on the wrong path. There was one thing he got right when he warned the American people during the Great Depression and leading up to World War II, when he said “… the only thing we have to fear, is fear itself”.  It turns out that fear is one of the most powerful emotions, and when given into, prevents people from rational thought and deliberation.  The Democrats have utilized the Marxist playbook to capitalize on the use of fear to destroy our freedoms. The sad part is how easily we have allowed them to do so. One obvious example was their exploitation of the fear of the China virus to assume emergency powers that we would never have tolerated except to the fear factor. Extensive lockdowns, closing schools, closing private businesses, mandatory vaccines and etc., would never have been tolerated without the excessive use of fear.    

Similarly, the destruction of our energy independence and resulting runaway inflation are based on the fear of irreversible and catastrophic climate change as the result of the consumption of fossil fuels. The scare tactics are focused on the most vulnerable and susceptible to fear, namely, our children and the ill informed. Public schools and colleges are hotbeds of leftist indoctrination of climate change fear mongering none of which is based on valid, scientific facts and truth. The fact that the earth has had multiple warming and freezing cycles that occurred way before mankind was consuming fossil fuels is of course disregarded and not taught.     

The Left is constantly calling conservatives ”neo-Nazis”, when in reality they are the ones who use Nazi style tactics.   For instance, Joseph Goebbels, Hitler’s propaganda minister in charge of the media in Nazi Germany, stated that all it takes is to tell a lie often enough and loudly enough to convince the people that it is true. The mainstream media in this country (including most social platforms) are controlled by the Left and are nothing more than shills for Marxism. It should also be remembered that the Nazis  (National Socialist Party) were socialists not conservatives.  

We must fight back with the truth and stand up before it is too late. The antidote to fear is courage. We need to show it ourselves, teach our children to think for themselves and ensure that our elected officials stand up for conservative principles or vote them out of office. There is not much time left.  We cannot compromise with evil.