We Need A Little Common Sense Here

Townhall.com posted an article today about a robbery in a North Carolina restaurant. Unfortunately, robberies in restaurants are not unusual and thus do not usually make the news, but this robbery had some special circumstances.

The article reports:

North Carolina restaurant The Pit was robbed at gunpoint on Sunday. Normally, local crime stories like this wouldn’t merit a Townhall post, but this one is different: The Pit has a “no weapons” sign displayed prominently on its door declaring the restaurant a gun-free zone, and bans patrons from carrying concealed weapons.

…Authorities said just before 9 p.m. Sunday, three men wearing hoodies entered the restaurant through the back doors with pistols, and forced several staff members to lie on the floor.

The bandits assaulted two employees during the crime, but they were not seriously injured.

Evidently the robbers did not read the sign on the door that said the restaurant was a ‘gun-free’ zone. Does anyone actually believe that if we take guns from law-abiding citizens, criminals will give them up and stop using them to commit crimes?