Your Tax Dollars At Work

CBN News posted a story today detailing some of the ways the U.S. government spends money. It’s not a pretty picture.

Some examples cited in the article:

They include “things like the NIH study of about $2 million to study how children perceive food, including testing to see when food is sneezed on, if 5-year-olds will still eat the food.” Lankford (Sen. James Lankford, R-Okla.) said.  ” Now, I think we could have answered that question for less than $2 million.”

“Doing grave digging in Iceland which we had paid for recently to be able to study the cultures in the 8th century to the 12th century in Iceland,” Lankford said.  “I’m not sure what the connection to the American economy is to that and how that helps us long term to do grave digging in Iceland, but that’s one of the things we paid for.” 

The article reminds us that the federal debt is almost $20 trillion. The article also mentions that Sen. Lankford believes in setting an example–during each of the last couple of years, he and his office have returned $230,000 of the money given to him to run his office to the U.S. Treasury. We need more Senators like this.