Converting America To Marxism

Author: R. Alan Harrop, Ph.D    

  The battle between Marxism and Free Capitalism has been going on for at least 150 years.   Typically, Marxists, who want government control and not individual freedom, have been successful with countries that are economically poor or are weak militarily and therefore ripe for revolution.   Examples are Russia in 1917, and China in the 1940s.  Taking over a country like the United States that has been the most successful economic power in the history of the world has presented challenges requiring different strategies.  Sadly, the Marxists are being increasingly successful in America.   Let’s examine their strategies. 

First: the children.   The indoctrination of our children by the teachers who themselves have been trained by Marxist professors is proceeding very well in our public schools.   With less than 50% of school children meeting grade expectations for such academic subjects as reading and math, clearly the teachers are focusing on other topics.  Critical race theory, transgenderism, climate change, and ant-American propaganda have taken the place of traditional topics.  Second: the economy.   People who are doing well economically are not going to want things to change–quite the opposite.   By increasing the cost of energy, food and other essentials, the government creates labor unrest. We are starting to see this with strikes by auto workers, hospital workers, and teachers.  This is only the beginning. Third: open borders.  Flooding our country with millions of illegal immigrants undermines the integrity and values of our country.  America has been called the “Melting Pot” by absorbing immigrants from many other countries.  But floods of immigrants threaten the cohesiveness of the country.   The Republicans in the 1920’s recognized this problem and passed laws to seriously restrict immigration to levels that could be safely absorbed.  Biden has allowed the influx of over 8 million immigrants in two years.  This number is more than the population of 14 of our states.    Fourth: crime, drugs  and homelessness.   No society can exist without law and order.   Witness the state of our Democrat run cities.  Crime is rampant and getting worse.  The police are powerless when the elected officials undermine their authority.  Our cities are becoming gang run wastelands with drug addicts sleeping anywhere they want.   Fifth: government welfare.  Instead of people earning their own living and being responsible for their own welfare, the state is increasingly supplying their needs.   Medicaid expansion, student loan forgiveness, rent assistance, etc.,  create a dependence on the government which is the essence of Marxism.  Sixth: destroying the family.   Strong, intact, supportive families have always been the foundation of any free society.  Fewer people are marrying, and if they do it is later in life; they are having fewer children; and are not nearly as involved in religious activities   The state is replacing the family structure and responsibilities. 

Marxists recognize that America can never be taken over by an armed revolution.   Consequently, they are relying on what we can clearly see is an evolution.   Regardless, we must not be fooled and must recognize it for it is–a takeover of our country; pure and simple.  Now, many Democrats will object to being labeled as Marxists.   Many may not even recognize where their policies are leading us.   But if you read The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx, you will see that the recent actions of the Biden administration are right out of that playbook.   If it looks like a dog, barks like a dog, it’s a dog. 

Weaponizing Climate Change

Author: R.Alan Harrop, Ph.D.

A rational discussion of climate variation should be acceptable to everyone. Question: Do Marxist climate extremists want a rational discussion and investigation? Obviously not. They are increasingly using climate change as a weapon to further their radical Marxist ideologies. Let’s see how they are doing this.

First of all, they are acting more like cultists than objective, rational investigators. Cults are based on emotional commitments that exclude others who do not share their beliefs. Labeling people who question their beliefs that climate warming is caused by man-made use of fossil fuels rather than natural causes as “climate change deniers” does not foster rational inquiry and debate.

Second, as a recent book by Jeremy Williams shows, they are now claiming that climate change is racist and an example of white supremacy. He claims that Blacks and other minorities suffer disproportionately from the negative impacts of man-made climate change. Since the United States, Canada and Australia, use much more electricity per person, than say, African countries like Madagascar it must be due to racism. Also, since many polluting factories are located in communities with a higher concentration of Blacks; this is more evidence of white privilege.

Third, the Marxists are good at re-inventing the meaning of words to further their agenda. Jeremy Williams claims that climate change is actually a form of violence perpetrated on Black people. He equates it with alleged police brutality using George Floyd’s death as a parallel. All this is intended, of course, to justify the actions of groups like Black Lives Matter and give them another reason (i.e. climate change) to strike out towards Whites.

Clearly, the climate extremists are using these tactics to attack Western civilization, industrialism, and capitalism. Their solution is a typical Marxist one: more extensive government control of our lives– including what we eat, where we live, where we travel, etc. They are very pleased with the Biden regime not only greatly expanding tax money spent on solar/wind energy, blocking pipelines and drilling, and encouraging Federal agencies to implement restrictive regulations against gas stoves, reasonably priced home appliances, and gas vehicle emissions. All of these actions will increase the cost of living for all Americans, especially the middle class.

This Marxist attack on Western Civilization must be stopped if we are to survive as a nation. China is applauding our caving in to the destruction of our own country by these Marxist extremists while they build a new coal powered plant on average of one per week!


Destroying the Middle Class

Author:  R. Alan Harrop, Ph.D

A primary objective of Marxism has always been the destruction of the free enterprise system (i.e. capitalism).  Marxism is based on making people dependent on the government, not on themselves. Therefore, the government controls people’s lives. A  middle class did not exist until the advent of the free enterprise system. There were only royalty, aristocrats, clergy and peasants. America has been the country of the middle class. Sure, we have very wealthy people and very poor people but in between we have people who can earn a good living and actually advance their economic condition through hard work and saving. It is called the “American Dream” and has existed since the founding of this country. The Marxist Democrats (sadly, helped by some, perhaps well meaning, but naive Republicans) have declared war on the middle class in America. Let me mention a few ways: 

Income Tax: Prior to 1913 there was no ongoing federal income tax in this country.  Federal funds were raised by tariffs, excise duties, etc. Progressive income tax, where the higher your income the higher the tax rate, penalizes people that are trying to get ahead. Right now, at least 40% of the people in the country pay no federal income tax.  This is due to social programs and socialist ideas about income redistribution. People who pay no tax have no skin in the game and only want more and more free stuff. 

Wealth Redistribution: Most, if not all, government programs steal from the middle class and give to the supposed underclass. Who establishes the rules for who gets free stuff that is actually paid for by others? Well of course the government. Food stamps, income and rent assistance, free school lunches, and Medicaid are all examples of programs that require hard working middle class people to pay for things for other people. This is straight out of the Marxist playbook. The result is that fewer people want to work since they will lose their free stuff and/or are not motivated to advance themselves.    

Crime: In many, if not all, of our Democrat run cities, people just go into stores and take what they want. No fear of arrest. Who are the victims? The middle class store owners and the paying customers when prices must be raised to offset the losses. 

Open Borders: Immigrants used to come to this country legally for an opportunity to advance themselves economically through hard work. They wanted to live the  American Dream. My grandparents did exactly that. Now, most of the illegal immigrants flood across our open borders to get free stuff. 

Climate Hoax: The Marxist Democrats are hell bent on raising the cost of energy and transportation (e.g. mandating electric cars). This will destroy the middle class. No more single homes. Use public transportation or electric bicycles! Solar and wind generators would not exist if the government were not forcing the middle class to pay for the subsidies. We are being forced to subsidize our own demise. 

No country can long survive what is currently being done to America. We will not survive as a country unless this is stopped. The strength of America has always been the middle class. he Marxist Democrats must be defeated and moreover, Republican enablers must either be convinced to stop these destructive policies or be voted out of office. NO WINDMILLS ON THE NORTH CAROLINA COAST!!! 




Conservatism vs Marxism: Who is Winning?

Author: R. Alan Harrop, Ph.D 

The fight to save our country is essentially a struggle between Conservatism and Marxism.  However, many of our elected officials either do not agree or fail to understand the threat.   Conservatism entails individual freedom, small government and fiscal responsibility.  Marxism entails government control, ever expanding government and indebtedness.  Another key essential difference is that of individual responsibility.   Conservatism requires each person to be responsible for themselves whereas in Marxism taxpayers are required to pay for services for others.    

Clearly, the Democrat Party is moving us dramatically towards Marxism, and just as disturbingly, there are some Republican Party elected officials who are not reliably true conservatives.   We would not be in the current crisis in which we find ourselves if this was not the case.  The recent approval of Medicaid expansion in North Carolina is a perfect example.   After years of opposition to Medicaid expansion, many Republicans led by Phil Berger and Tim Moore voted to approve this Marxist action.   Of course, they did not bother to determine what their constituents wanted (a limited poll in Craven county was overwhelmingly against expanding Medicaid) and came up with a justification, essentially about federal funding, and ignored the fact that this program is a Marxist program expansion that makes an estimated 600,000 additional people dependent on the government and forces other taxpayers to pay for it.   By the way, there is no requirement in the state or federal constitution requiring taxpayers to pay for medical services for others. 

Another example is House Bill DRH30118-TC-21A that supposedly will prevent students from harm in our public schools.  What the bill does is expand the responsibility of teachers to socialize our children instead of focusing on their true mission of teaching traditional academic subjects.   While preventing student harm is a laudable goal, this bill is Marxist to the extent that it shifts the responsibility for socializing and disciplining our children from the parents to the government run schools.  Marxism always attempts to weaken the role  and authority of the parents/family and take over that role by the government.   Remember the old saying that the road to h—- is paved with good intentions.   The public schools in North Carolina in many cases are failing to teach academics adequately, and this situation will not be helped by adding additional burdens on the teachers that rightfully belong to parents.     Another worrisome factor is that once the schools assume the role of parents, the content of what they teach can be anything the school officials decide.  Not good. 

The bottom line is we need to support elected officials who reliably put conservative principles first and vote the will of their constituents.  Otherwise, the slide to Marxism is assured. 

Sliding to Marxism

Author: R. Alan Harrop,Ph.D 

The Marxist Left is succeeding in their efforts to take over America.   The recent election of John Fetterman, an avowed Marxist and grossly impaired person, in Pennsylvania is glaring proof.   There are many strategies the Left is using that we need to be aware of if we are going to save America.  Let’s examine a few. 

Promising Free Stuff.  Humans have a propensity to like getting things nothing.  The Biden regime is using the promise of student debt relief and continuing, so called ,“ temporary” delayed payments on existing loans to get the youth vote.  It is working as shown by estimates of 70% of voters in their 20’s voting for Democrats.   Democracies fail when those in power buy votes in this way.  

Information Control.  All tyrannies use the media to control what people believe.   The fake media in this country no longer even pretends to be objective.  With rare exceptions, they are shills for the Left.  The large majority of the media are registered Democrats.  Conservative media must be encouraged and supported to offset this overwhelming advantage.  Government funding of National Public Radio (NPR) must be terminated.  Social media platforms run by Leftists are censoring  information that the Biden regime wants blocked.   Efforts like those by Donald Trump and Elon Musk have to be supported.   Get your children off these platforms.  Stop giving cell phones to minor children.  Check out the five minute, conservative internet videos on Prager U.      

Expanding Government Overreach.   As Ronald Reagan clearly warned, the greatest threat to our freedom is an ever expanding  federal government.  Adding 87,000 armed, IRS agents;  collecting credit card purchase information of guns/ammunition;  and the expansion of Medicaid, are examples of the Biden regime’s moves to expand government control over our lives.   Add to this the use of the FBI and the Department of Justice to threaten citizens who oppose the Left and we see the makings of a police state.   We must demand that our Congressman defund these and other examples of government intrusion in our lives.    

Practicing the Big Lie.   The term “gaslighting” has become a common term that refers to telling lies to the extent that a person begins to doubt what they see with their own eyes.   The leftist Democrats are continually using gaslighting on the American people.  For example, the Biden regime claims that the border is secure when we all know it is wide open.  They label a major expansion of government spending , the Inflation Reduction Act, when we know that excessive government spending is a major cause of inflation.  They label a recent bill the Marriage Protection Act, when in reality it will destroy traditional marriage between a man and a woman.   We must recognize that we are being lied to and confront our elected officials.

Compromising with EvilToo many so-called conservative elected officials are willing to put their principles aside for political gain.   We need fighters who will stand against the Marxist forces that are out to destroy this country.  Compromisers/ Rinos like Thom Tillis, Mitt Romney, Lisa Murkowski and others need to be removed from office and replaced with reliable conservatives who will fight to save our country.   

It is high time that we recognize the dangers we face and take action to stop the slide to Marxism. 

The Following Was Posted On Facebook On Sunday

DNM’s World posted the following on Facebook on Sunday:

Say what you like about the Star Trek: TOS episode “And The Children Shall Lead” but I am going to use it as an aid to make a real world point. More often than not, someone is using the children to advance evil causes and agendas.

In the episode Gorgan, a noncorporeal being (and anything BUT a “Friendly Angel”) is using the children of Federation scientists to advance his desires. Through these children, he has manged to kill those very scientists, and now Gorgan has his sights on Marcos XII and its population of children to recruit for his cause to rule the universe. Kirk was able to stop Gorgan by showing his evil to the children (using the videos of them with their families…and their deaths) and what this monster really did to their parents and the children called Gorgan’s bluff.

Now we have to deal with a similar evil and unlike the noncorporeal Gogan, the environmental statists of flesh and bone are using children to destroy our liberties and freedom. They are using the children not just in America, but the whole world (which for the most part has embraced Marxism) to advance their cause.

On September 20, 2019; with the approval of public school administrators and teachers (and the parents that agree with them), coupled with our major media news outlets with MSNBC leading the charge (remember they are trying to convince you that climate change is real and we must give up our freedoms for the greater good); most public high school students walked out of class to protest on behalf of our natural environment. Not just American governments (local, state, national), but governments all over the world to demand that they step up and do something to deal with our changing climate. 

“As You Believe So Shall You Do, As You Believe So Shall You Do, As You Believe So Shall You Do, As You Believe So Shall You Do…”

Here is a question to ponder. Would our schools grant dismissals if the children would go to some kind of rally in support of America or perhaps go in support of something like say…the Second Amendment or something that supports the true intentions of the First Amendment like freedom of faith and religion? The short answer is No, while my answer would be “I Don’t Think So.” The progressives leftists are truly in control of most of the educational institutions on the planet and that includes our so-called public/government (Common) elementary and secondary schools.

Spock and Dr. McCoy said it best regarding the evil that our “green blooded” hero and his best friend and captain would have to face very soon regarding Gorgan’s ‘adopted children;’  

Spock: “Evil does seek to maintain power by suppressing the truth.”

McCoy: “Or by misleading the innocent.”

While Swedish born Greta Thunberg, the 15 year old face of the movement; we adults have to question about the adults who are pulling the strings as the children do their “fist pounds” to make the rest of us submit to the powerful ‘Gorgans’ of the world who would not only impose terror and fear into our lives, but make us all slaves to the permanent underclass forever in poverty and forever needing the “help” of the rich elites everywhere in the world.

Thunberg has been given lots of publicity by our major media, and like any leftist either a mastermind or some kind of “useful idiot,” you know that the our own American Democrat Party Press (if not most major international media outlets that lean progressive) will jump on any opportunity to advance the progressive cause. Thunberg also has the blessings of Ellen DeGeneres, Michael Moore, Bette Midler, Whoopi Goldberg and Melissa Fumero.

Right now one of the biggest environmental causes at the moment is the very communist-socialist concept that is named the “Green New Deal” (by the way it does not impress our young environmentalist leader), which is not about saving the planet but rather setting back the human race a thousand years or so when we did not have electricity or food that could actually kill us and not because it’s processed but it was rancid.

Even the food inspectors will not be able to help the masses should the Green Statists have it their way…and chances are those very same statists will be able to enjoy the comforts of electricity and healthier food (processed or not) as they rule over the masses with Iron Fists of greater power. It seems they will never be happy until the masses are miserable…and even then they are not happy, but want to impose more suffering.

As with Captain Kirk and Spock, we must tame our own beasts and demons and do what we can to fight these children and their puppet masters who have enslaved them and their desire to enslave the rest of us…for if they are not stopped, we will not only be stripped if our liberty but our children’s liberty will be stripped as well.

Our environment will truly be worse and filthy if these Communist Greens have it their way.

Just look at what has happened to California. Rest assured the elite will have their personal clean environments and comfortable lifestyles as they look down on the “dead waste of civilization” who they view as neanderthals.


This Is Understandable But Scary

Yesterday the Daily Caller posted a story about a group of people organizing a community in Idaho. Doesn’t sound like news–builders construct golf communities, retirement communities, etc., all the time, but this is radically different. The community is called the Citadel.

The article reports:

Citadel organizers envision their project to be a community where residents are bound by a desire to “live together in accordance with Thomas Jefferson’s ideal of Rightful Liberty,” which they have determined to mean “that neighbors keep their noses out of other neighbors’ business, that neighbors live and let live.”

Marxists, Socialists, Liberals, and Establishment Republicans may find that living within our Citadel Community is incompatible with their existing ideology and preferred lifestyles,” the group — which claims no leader other than the “ideal of Jefferson’s Rightful Liberty” — explains on its website.

There are a lot of aspects of this community which frighten me. The article further reports:

The plans for the community — which they expect to build in Benewah County, Idaho, starting this summer — include at least 2,000 acres surrounded by a defensible perimeter that is “inaccessible to tourists.” Each neighborhood will also have separating walls “dividing the town into defensible sections/neighborhoods.”

What is the community planning for the relationship between the Citadel and its surrounding communities? Are state and federal authorities given the appropriate authority within the community? How does the community plan to handle legal matters? What prevents a small group of petty tyrants from taking over the community and turning into a place it is impossible to leave?

Maybe I have been reading too many conspiracy novels lately, but I think the risk here outweighs the benefits. I personally would prefer to take over my own private desert island and sit under the palm trees drinking drinks with little umbrellas in them. I think that is as likely as the success of this community.

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