Why Does Anyone Still Listen To This Man ?

Yesterday’s Washington Examiner posted an article about a recent statement by Senator Harry Reid.

Senator Reid stated:

“His poor father must be so embarrassed about his son,” Reid said, in reference to George Romney’s standard-setting decision to turn over 12 years of tax returns when he ran for president in the late 1960s. Saying he had “no problem with somebody being really, really wealthy,” Reid sat up in his chair a bit before stirring the pot further. A month or so ago, he said, a person who had invested with Bain Capital called his office.

“Harry, he didn’t pay any taxes for 10 years,” Reid recounted the person as saying.

“He didn’t pay taxes for 10 years! Now, do I know that that’s true? Well, I’m not certain,” said Reid. “But obviously he can’t release those tax returns. How would it look?

“You guys have said his wealth is $250 million,” Reid went on. “Not a chance in the world. It’s a lot more than that. I mean, you do pretty well if you don’t pay taxes for 10 years when you’re making millions and millions of dollars.”

There are a number of obvious problems with this statement. First of all, the article asks, “How would an investor in Bain Capital have access to Governor Romney’s tax returns?” Secondly, do you honestly believe that a public figure (as Governor Romney was after the Olympics) who earned the kind of money that Governor Romney earned would not have had his tax returns examined very carefully by the IRS.

The article also reminds us:

And in what Romney has released of his tax returns, he paid $6.2 million in taxes over two years.

This is the lowest form of sleaze so far in the campaign.

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Isn’t It A Little Early For The Democrats To Be Desperate ?

It isn’t news to anyone who pays attention that some of the attacks on Mitt Romney will be based on his Mormon religion (just as John Kennedy was attacked for his Catholic religion). But sometimes the attacks are stretched far enough to be ridiculous.

Today’s Daily Caller reports that Montana Governor Brian Schweitzer, described as a moderate Democrat, has stated:

…likely Republican nominee Mitt Romney may have trouble in the general election because his father was “born on a polygamy commune in Mexico,”
George Romney was born in 1907. He was born–he was not responsible for the circumstances surrounding his birth!
The article at the Daily Caller points out that George Romney’s parents were in a
monogamous marriage and moved back to the United States when George was still a child. This isn’t even criticism of the candidate–it is criticism of the circumstances surrounding the birth of his father. Where is the commentary on Barack Obama’s father? Where is the commentary on his numerous wives?
How many generations are the Democrats willing to examine in order to do opposition research on the Republican candidates?

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