Two Different Perspectives On Cap And Trade

Friday night The New York Times and Investor’s Business Daily both ran articles on the Cap and Trade Bill which passed the House of Representatives last night.  Needless to say, they had rather different angles on the events.

The New York Times stated:

“The vote was the first time either house of Congress had approved a bill meant to curb the heat-trapping gases scientists have linked to climate change. The legislation, which passed despite deep divisions among Democrats, could lead to profound changes in many sectors of the economy, including electric power generation, agriculture, manufacturing and construction.”

Investor’s Business Daily reported that:

“On Friday, the day of the vote, the Competitive Enterprise Institute said it was releasing “an internal study on climate science which was suppressed by the Environmental Protection Agency.”

In the release, the institute’s Richard Morrison said “internal EPA e-mail messages, released by CEI earlier in the week, indicate that the report was kept under wraps and its author silenced because of pressure to support the administration’s agenda of regulating carbon dioxide.””

The EPA is withholding information from the American public that would enable us to make more informed decisions on the actions our Congressmen are taking.  Investor’s Business Daily posted the following chart of the impact of human activity on climate change.

You have to wonder why this President and this Congress are so intent of destroying the American economy and the American healthcare system..