Why Was This Article Only In The Canada Free Press?

According to the Canada Free Press,  Al Gore lied about his financial interest in ‘global warming’ legislation during his Congressional testimony.  During the house Energy and Environment Subcommittee hearing on the Waxman-Markey climate bill, the former Vice-President stated that all the money he made from his business activities went into non-profit efforts.  Not quite true.  According to a March 6, 2008 Bloomberg Report:

“Former U.S. Vice President Al Gore left the White House seven years ago with less than $2 million in assets, including a Virginia home and the family farm in Tennessee. Now he’s making enough to put $35 million in hedge funds and other private partnerships.

Gore invested the money with Capricorn Investment Group LLC, a Palo Alto, California, firm that selects the private funds for clients and invests in makers of environmentally friendly products, according to a Feb. 1 securities filing. Capricorn was founded by billionaire Jeffrey Skoll, former president of EBay Inc. and an executive producer of Gore’s Oscar-winning documentary film on global warming.”

Tennessee Representative Marsha Blackburn confronted Mr. Gore about his profiteering from global warming legislation and obvious conflict of interest concerning his testimony before the subcommittee.   Combined with the rescinding of the invitation to UK’s Lord Christopher Monckton (a global warming skeptic) to speak before the committee, I’d say that Mr. Gore’s obvious unreported conflict of interest is a pretty good indication that this subcommittee isn’t really interested in pursuing the truth on global warming.  I suspect they have already drawn their conclusions without having to deal with any inconvenient facts.