The First World Summit of African Descendants

The United Nations is sponsoring the First World Summit of African Descendants to be held in August at La Ceiba, Honduras.  Yesterday, CNS News posted an article about this coming summit.

The summit seeks ‘social justice’ for African Descendants.  That’s newspeak for ‘we want money from people who are successful to be given to people who are not successful.’ 

The article reports:

“The event is part of the United Nations-declared International Year of African Descendants.

“”This International Year of African Descendants provides an opportunity to right historical wrongs: in health, education, poverty, land rights, jobs, and financial credit for economic and social progress,” said Pan American Health Organization Director Mirta Roses in a news release. “This celebration is important for recognizing the strength and resilience of Afro-descendant communities throughout the Americas, who have thrived despite historical discrimination and repression.”

“The U.N. says an estimated 150 million African descendants live in Mexico and Central and South America.”

There are some serious problems with this entire concept.  I totally agree with the idea that African slaves were brought to America against their will and often were treated badly.  I also agree that many of their descendants were treated badly and denied some of the basic necessities of life.  I have a friend in her late 60’s who is black who has major health problems because of the medical care that was not available to her in her younger years in rural Georgia.  I understand.  However, now she has access to some of the best medical care in the world due to government programs that provide for her and protect her from discrimination.  No one can undo the injustice done in the past, but her present medical care does reflect ‘social justice.’ 

The article reports:

“As previously reported, the Durban conference was marked by strong disagreements over issues, including attempts to equate Zionism with apartheid and calls for the U.S. and other Western nations to pay reparations for slavery. The conference and a parallel NGO gathering eventually degenerated into what critics described as an anti-Israel “hate-fest,” and the Bush administration withdrew its already-downgraded delegation in protest. The Israeli representatives also walked out.”

As far as reparations for slavery goes, please see previous articles on this blog about the Pigford Settlement.  The American taxpayer is already paying reparations for slavery under the Obama administration, just under a different name.

Admittedly, the slaves were brought here against their will from Africa.  That was horribly wrong.  The Irish came here voluntarily because the British were trying to starve them off of their land.  I am sure they would have stayed in Ireland if they could have.  Both nationalities (and many others who came to America) were treated badly when they arrived.  The Irish had the fortune of being able to blend into society more quickly because they looked more like the British who had essentially settled America.  Blending in was more difficult for slaves even after they were free because of their skin color.  However, many descendants of slaves have done well in America.  The black American family was a strong unit until welfare programs destroyed it. 

The answer to ‘social justice’ for descendants of slaves is not to give them a bunch of other peoples’ money–the answer is to give them the tools to make their own money.  Somehow I doubt the United Nations conference will point this out.