The Arab Spring Could Lead To A Very Hot Arab Summer

Yahoo News posted an Associated Press article today about the opening of the border crossing between Egypt and the Gaza Strip.  The Egyptians had closed the border four years ago. 

Israelis fear that this border will now be used to bring weapons and military equipment into Gaza to be used against Israel.  Up until now those materials were smuggled in illegally, but the fact that they had to be smuggled in made it more difficult to get them to Gaza and limited the amount of weapons and other materials that got through. 

The article at focuses on the problems the closing of the border created for the people living in the area.  I have no doubt there were many people inconvenienced by the closed border, but I also have no doubt that the closed border is one of many reasons why the State of Israel still exists.  I do not think opening this border will lead to peace in the area, in fact I believe it is a prelude to another war on Israel by its neighbors.

The article points out:

“Israeli and American officials have expressed concerns that Hamas will exploit the opening to bring weapons and fighters into Gaza. In January 2008, masked militants blew open the Rafah border wall, allowing thousands of people to pour in and out of Egypt.

“Egyptian officials say they have security measures in place to keep weapons from crossing through Rafah.

“Hamas has long used tunnels to get arms into Gaza. Gaza militants now have military-grade rockets that have hit cities in southern Israel.

“Amos Gilad, a senior Israeli Defense Ministry official, told Channel 2 TV Friday that Israel’s primary concern is that military training personnel could cross to instruct Hamas fighters.”

As the Muslim Brotherhood strengthens its hold on Egypt, the previously peaceful relationship between Egypt and Israel will change.  I believe that at some point in the next six months, Israel can expect to be attacked by all of its Arab neighbors.  The first move in the game plan will be to go to the United Nations to see if a Palestinian State can be unilaterally declared.  If that does not work, an invasion will follow.  The Arab spring will be exposed as what it truly is–a plan to set up a Middle East caliphate run by the Muslim Brotherhood and to drive Israel into the sea.