Why I Am Having Trouble with Scott Brown’s Vote on Paul Ryan’s Budget Proposal

The topic of discussion after the election in New York’s 26th District has been whether or not the Republicans running for office should support Paul Ryan’s budget proposal regarding Medicare.  One long-time Republican campaign veteran in Massachusetts told me that there was no point in Scott Brown voting for the Ryan Budget–if Harry Reid thought it would pass, he would never bring it up for a vote.  I really hate that kind of thinking.  Either reforming Medicare is the right thing to do or it isn’t.  If it is the right thing to do, but Paul Ryan’s plan is not the right way, where is the alternative?  One thing that needs to made perfectly clear to every American voter–Medicare cannot continue to exist in its present form–it is going bankrupt.

The government’s actuary board issued a summary report (Summary Report on Social Security and Medicare) which stated:

“Projected long-run program costs for both Medicare and Social Security are not sustainable under currently scheduled financing, and will require legislative corrections if disruptive consequences for beneficiaries and taxpayers are to be avoided.”

According to Forbes Magazine, under Obama’s heath care reform:

“…The 2010 Financial Statement of the United States Government, published by the Treasury Department last December, discloses repeatedly in several tables of data that the total of future cuts in payments to doctors and hospitals under Medicare as provided in current law due to Obamacare and President Obama’s Medicare reimbursement policies is $15 trillion!”

Another way that President Obama’s health care plan intends to cut the cost of Medicare is through the use of the Medicare Independent Payment Advisory Board, or IPAB.  This would be an independent Board set up to determine if a particular treatment for a patient is cost effective.  It sounds like a good idea, but people are not ‘cost effective’–people are individuals. 

Americans have had access to some of the best health care in the world up to this point.  We need to protect that health care–not allow it to go bankrupt or ration it.  We need political leaders who will tell us the truth–that Medicare cannot continue to exist in its present form–and then begin to discuss ways that it might be changed.  The current political gamesmanship is getting us nowhere.