Disturbing Statistics

When the Supreme Court made abortion legal in the United States, they had no idea that they were opening a Pandora’s Box. Aside from the fact that the issue was settled by the courts rather than left to the states was probably unconstitutional, there are also the medical advances that show us how early a baby in the womb feels pain. Also, disturbing are the statistics showing who is getting abortions in America.

CNS News posted an article today listing the abortion statistics for America in 2013.

The article reports:

Although black Americans make up 13.3% of the U.S. population, they comprised 35% of the total abortions “reported” – 128,682 babies killed — in 2013, according to the latest Abortion Surveillance report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

That number, 128,682 black abortions, comes from only 29 reporting areas, according to the CDC. It does not include black abortions from the following states: Arizona, California, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Washington, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.

Those states “did not report, did not report by race/ethnicity, or did not meet reporting standards,” said the CDC in Table 12 of its report. The header for Table 12 reads, “Reported abortions, by known race/ethnicity of women who obtained an abortion and reporting area of occurrence — selected reporting areas, United States, 2013.”

…For those abortions known by race, in addition to the 128,682 black babies killed, there were 134,814 white babies, or 37.3% of the total reporting. Whites make up 77.1% of the population, according to the Census Bureau.

For Hispanics, who comprise 17.6% of the U.S. population, there were 68,761 abortions reported, which was 19% of the total.

I am not in favor of making abortion illegal–I am in favor of ending abortion as a million dollar industry. Abortion needs to be available when it is a medical necessity. It should not be available as a method of birth control. The acceptability of abortion in America has had a negative impact on the way our culture views life. Life is no longer precious–it is something that can be ended for convenience. Unless we eliminate abortion as a million dollar industry, we can expect the value of life to continue to diminish.