A Few Random Notes About The Alt-Right

I guess I am a member of the alt-right. I left the Republican Party last Spring because I felt that the party was disingenuous in its treatment of Donald Trump and the duly-elected Chairman of the North Carolina Republican party. Donald Trump was not my choice in the Republican Primary (in North Carolina unaffiliated voters get to vote in whichever party primary they choose); however, I felt that the Republican Party should accept the choice of the voters. I watched the party do everything in its power to prevent the voice of the voters from being heard. The voice of the voters represented a serious threat to the party establishment and the powers that be. The Republican Party has still not fully supported Donald Trump, and I doubt they will. The Republican establishment would rather see Hillary Clinton elected and attempt to put an establishment Republican in the White House in four years.

So who is the alt-right? The alt-right are Americans who want to see the current government establishment change. Historically the Republican Party was the party of lower taxes and smaller government. Somewhere in recent years, the party has forgotten their roots. The Republican Party is now the party of bloated government as long as they get to control it. There are a few exceptions to this, but they are few and far between. In an effort to discredit those people who hold to the values of the former Republican Party, the establishment of both parties have begun labeling them alt-right with the implication that they are racists, bigots, and whatever other derogatory term comes to mind. I resent that. This is another example of pitting one American against another American for political purposes. If you oppose the political cronyism and favoritism that is currently a part of Washington polities, you must be a racist, bigot, etc. That is beyond ridiculous.

The slogan of Donald Trump that he ‘wants to take America back’ is not unrealistic. Right now Washington does not really care what the voters think. I am not sure that elections are not rigged–either through voter fraud or the rigging of electronic voting machines. The only way that Donald Trump wins this election is if it is an honest election or if his margin of victory is so large that cheating does not work. That fact alone should wake up voters to the fact that we have a serious problem. I won’t make any predictions about November–a lot can happen between now and then, but I will say that this new concept of labeling anyone who does not support either the Republican or Democratic establishment as alt-right is nothing more than a way to divide Americans so that they will not unite to take their country back.

My husband has added a few ideas to this article. He points out that the Republican platform is true to traditional Republican ideas and that there are people within the party that are working to restore those ideas. The problem is the establishment of both parties.