Brainwashing A 17-Year Old

Lady Liberty 1885 posted a story today about Tanner Glenn, who is running Richard Nixon’s campaign for the NC General Assembly in Johnston county. Richard Nixon is a history teacher at Corinth High School. Lady Liberty notes that one can view Nixon’s “Planet History” page at Corinth High School here, but Nixon has conveniently moved his lectures linked on that page to a “Google classroom” that only students can access. Tanner Glenn is one of his former students.

The problem here is something called APUSH (Advanced Placement U. S. History), a revised American history course that paints Americans as oppressors, racists, and all sorts of other negative things. Mr. Nixon is a member of the NEA, the NCAE and OAH — one of the groups who heavily influenced the controversial re-write of APUSH.

The Washington Post did a piece on Richard Nixon’s political campaign and his campaign manager on January 11 and stated the following:

Glenn grew up in a Republican family and considered himself a Republican for most of his life; he interned for the North Carolina GOP when he was 16.

Then he took Nixon’s class, he said, and though Glenn never knew his teacher’s political leanings, the experience pushed him to think more deeply about his own political beliefs.

…And in that way, the teacher turned history into a series of stories about real people to whom Glenn could relate. He particularly admired Theodore Roosevelt for his efforts to establish national parks and bust monopolies to force fair competition among businesses.

The summer after taking Nixon’s class, Glenn volunteered for the state Democratic Party, and he found he agreed with the view that government can and should play a significant role in addressing social problems.

He went on to found a Teen Democrats chapter in Johnston County, where he impressed local party leaders, and he has remained involved in party politics as a college student.

It is interesting to note that Glenn learned that “the government can and should play a significant role in addressing social problems.” Did he learn about enumerated powers in his history class? Article 1 Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution limits the powers of Congress. Amendment 10 states “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”

This is a very sad example of a student being brainwashed by a charismatic teacher. It is a shame that the teacher did not bother to include the concept of limited government in his lesson plans.