In Ten Years What Will We Be? posted an article today stating that 680,000 green cards have been given to immigrants from Muslim countries in the last five years. I understand that not all Muslims are terrorists, but most terrorists seem to be Muslims. This is an alarming number, whether it is simply Muslims or all immigrants.

The article reports:

The data, released by Senator Sen. Jeff Sessions adds that these, “refugees have instant access to federal welfare and entitlements, along with local benefits and education services; these costs are not offset.”

…According to the U.S. Census Bureau, one-quarter of the U.S. population, over 41 million, is now either foreign-born or has foreign-born parents. Data from Pew Polling shows that 83% percent of the American public oppose increasing the baseline for immigration and believe that it should either be frozen or reduced.

I welcome anyone who comes to America to pursue the American dream and become an American. I question the wisdom of taking in the number of people we are currently taking in. The fact that one-quarter of the population is either foreign-born or has foreign-born parents is a problem for our country. We need to give people a chance to assimilate when they arrive. We are in danger of being overrun by people who don’t understand the dream of America. I would love to know how many legal and illegal immigrants are on our welfare rolls. This is not the American dream, and people who come here should be prevented from collecting welfare for a period of time after they arrive. We cannot be the world’s safety net. We are going bankrupt and need time to regroup and get our finances together before we start trying to support the world.