President Obama As A Democratic Party Leader

Some interesting statistics.

ObamaDemocrats1ObamaDemocrats2So what is going on here? This picture might help.

ObamaDemocrats3This is the 2012 presidential election map by county. President Obama won because his support was in areas that were densely populated and had a large number of electoral votes. As you can see by the map, in non-urban America, a large number of American voters did not support President Obama. I still believe (contrary to what the media tells us) that America is politically a center-right country. The reason Democrats prevail in urban areas is that many of the people who live in those areas are dependent on the government for some sort of financial aid. Many of the people who live in urban areas fear that if government grows smaller, their financial aid from the government will also grow smaller. Many of the people in these areas could easily be described as ‘low-information voters‘ who are often lied to and manipulated by candidates. Urban areas are also the places where you will find the highest amount of voter fraud. It is much easier to cast a fraudulent vote in a large precinct than in a precinct where everyone knows everyone else.

I have no suggestions on how to put a Republican in the White House in 2016. I am also more interested in what a candidate stands for than his party label. If a truly conservative Democrat ran for President, I would vote for him. I just wonder if America has reached a point of no return in federal spending and if this runaway spending train can be stopped.