A Natural Way To Curb The Danger Of Forest Fires

Before the days of radical environmentalism, forests were harvested and partially cleared by lumber companies. Since the lumber companies wanted to stay in business, in most cases they were careful to harvest the trees in a way that guaranteed to sustainability of the forest. Unfortunately, the radical part of the environmental movement has stopped not only the harvesting of trees, but the clearing out of the underbrush. As a result of this, we have seen horrible fires in the western states of America. Because the underbrush and dead trees have not been cleared, the forests have plenty of fuel to keep them going.

Well, there is a natural way to help prevent these massive forest fires–and it doesn’t even involve the use of carbon emitting machines.

In December of 2014, The Colorado Springs Independent posted an article aboutĀ Lani Malmberg.

The article reports:

Though she’s currently on a 10-day contract to clear brush from Cedar Heights, she’s best known in these parts for 16 years of fall visits to Bear Creek Park, where her “employees” manage weeds in a more eco-friendly manner than commonly used machinery or chemicals. A visit to her EWE4IC Ecological Services website, goatseatweeds.com, begins with a Top 10 list of why goats rule in this manner. Among benefits: They aid in fire prevention while helping build healthy soil by tramping, aerating and fertilizing it, also making it more absorptive for water, combating runoff.

She uses border collies to herd the goats and keep them in line while they clear the underbrush. Although there would be nothing wrong with harvesting wood and clearing underbrush from our national forests (as long as new trees were planted), those efforts are being blocked by environmentalists (thus creating the situation which allows these massive wildfires we have been dealing with). Mrs. Malmberg provides an alternative that is natural and ecologically sound. This isĀ one idea that I believe both the environmentalists and those who live near the forests should be willing to support.