Some Disturbing News From Egypt

Stratfor Global Intelligence is reporting today that their sources in Hamas have given them the information in italics below.  They also point out that Hamas has an interest in exaggerating its role in the crisis in Egypt and also exaggerating its coordination with the Muslim Brotherhood. 

The website reports the following unconfirmed, but important information:

“The Egyptian police are no longer patrolling the Rafah border crossing into Gaza. Hamas armed men are entering into Egypt and are closely collaborating with the MB. The MB has fully engaged itself in the demonstrations, and they are unsatisfied with the dismissal of the Cabinet. They are insisting on a new Cabinet that does not include members of the ruling National Democratic Party.

“Security forces in plainclothes are engaged in destroying public property in order to give the impression that many protesters represent a public menace. The MB is meanwhile forming people’s committees to protect public property and also to coordinate demonstrators’ activities, including supplying them with food, beverages and first aid.”

I am simply not optimistic about what is happening in Egypt.  Frankly I don’t think it will matter to the United States or Israel whether or not the current government stands.  I think we are entering a very dangerous period in the entire Middle East–with problems in Lebanon and Jordan, as well as Egypt–that is going to last for a while and have a very uncertain outcome.  Until a group of democracies and free countries forms to help spread freedom and to deal with those who deny freedom to their citizens, freedom will not expand. I believe that was the original intention of the United Nations, but somewhere along the way they got lost.  The outcome of what is happening in Egypt is much more likely to be in tune with Iran than with America.