I Guess They Were Too Busy Celebrating To Negotiate

Just to be clear–I am pretty much opposed to any nuclear deal with Iran. I can’t imagine the current administration making a deal that is worth anything, and even if they did, I can’t imagine Iran not cheating on whatever deal is made. I guess I have an attitude problem. However, the nuclear negotiations did not stop Iran from celebrating Al-Quds Day.

Yesterday the Washington Examiner posted a story about Iran’s celebration of Al-Quds Day. The day is celebrated by burning American and Israeli flags and shouting “Death to Israel” and “Down with America.” These are the people we are negotiating with.

According to the Times of Israel, millions of Iranians participated in the demonstrations. There is one possible saving grace here. In Iran it is often the case that demonstrations are sponsored by the government. People are not necessarily paid to demonstrate, but they are told to do so. That fact makes it very difficult to gauge what is actually happening in the country. There is also another thing to consider when looking at events in Iran. Because of the Iran-Iraq war in the 1980’s, Iran has a very unique population. In 2014, the median age of Iran’s population was 28, as opposed to a median age of about 39 in America. The younger people in Iran tend to be pro-western, but do not have the freedom to express themselves–the mullahs control the government and enforce Sharia Law.

The only successful way to deal with Iran’s nuclear program is to change the government of Iran, and unfortunately, in 2009 the Obama Administration showed the young people in Iran who wanted a revolution that it would not support them.

Meanwhile, the negotiations are continuing with a country that I seriously doubt is negotiating in good faith.