Are Christians Entitled To Equal Rights In America?

If I wanted to rent a hall at a local college to hold a meeting for a political group supporting animal rights for snails, I could pay my money and the college would rent me the hall. If I wanted to rent the hall for a Muslim group or a Jewish group, the college would rent me the hall. In all of the above cases, there would probably be no news about the event other than the pre-event publicity to encourage people to attend. Would there be a problem if I rented the hall for a Christian event? I wouldn’t think so, but it seems as if that is not the case.

CBN News reported today that a group called The Response: Louisiana rented a hall at Louisiana State University and held an event led by  Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal.

The article reports:

A hundred or so protesters marched against the rally, with one of their concerns being that Jindal held a religious event on a state-funded campus.

“He shouldn’t be doing it on a state campus. If they want to do that, go somewhere else,” prayer rally protester Phyllis Nowak said.

The protesters were also displeased that the American Family Association, a group that unashamedly promotes traditional values, was involved with the event.

Jindal thinks the protesters need to calm down.

“You’ve got a group of Christians who say we want to pay money to rent a hall on LSU’s campus so we can come together and pray. Do we really live in a society where that’s controversial?” Jindal asked.

Apparently so, but Christians here soldier on, praying for revival.

Do Christians have equal rights in America? Evidently not in the minds of some Americans. Where are we in America that large prayer meetings are being protested? That is scary.