We Need To Re-educate These Children In Order To Have Any Hope Of Peace

On August 12, The Daily Caller posted a video of a child in Syria stating his hatred of America:

“I swear to Allah we will divide America in two,” one child, who looked no older than 12, declared to VICE Media in an angry rant, speaking as if he was already a member of the terror group. “And we’ll destroy the enemies of the religion all of them, all who fight the Islamic State.”

This is child abuse.

The article further reports from Syria:

At an Islamic center, VICE Media captured a group of ISIS fighters holding guns and singing a song with lyrics containing declarative statements that the group had already destroyed America and Europe, perhaps imagining a future they hope to bring about.

“We have broken America in two and we’ve annihilated the countries of Europe,” the terrorists sang.

This is not a religious war in a distant country–this is a war with America as its eventual target. I have no idea what to do with children who are being taught the kind of hatred that these children are being taught. Islam is not a religion of peace–what these children are being taught has no relationship with peace.