It’s Amazing How Much Power Scott Brown Has !

Reuters is reporting today via Yahoo News that Scott Brown may complicate the Obama Administration’s plans to pass ‘Wall Street Reform.’  Wow!  The Democrats control the Presidency and the Congress, and Scott Brown has all the power.  This is more than a little ridiculous.

Senator Brown stated, “I was surprised and extremely disappointed to hear that $18 billion in new assessments and fees were added in the wee hours of the morning by the conference committee,”   Welcome to Washington, sir.

According to the article:

“”While I’m still reviewing the bill’s details, these provisions were not in the Senate version of the bill which I previously supported … I’ve said repeatedly that I cannot support any bill that raises tax,” Brown said.” 

This is not a bill that anyone needs to support.  It ignores the role that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac played in the financial meltdown and does not include any changes to these agencies at all.  It sets up a system where the government can take over any business it deems in danger of failing with no recourse for the business owners or stockholders.  It is another step toward government control of the business sector and the choking of free enterprise (the system that made this country great).

We have had problems in our economy, but most of them were due to government interference in the free market rather than lack of regulation.  To add more government interference is to kill the goose that laid the golden egg.