Now That Israel Is Defending Itself Egypt Is Calling For A Truce

Reuters is reported today:

(Egyptian) Prime Minister Hisham Kandil visited the Gaza Strip officially to show solidarity with the Palestinian people after two days of relentless attacks by Israeli warplanes determined to end militant rocket fire at Israel.

You need to pay attention to the last part of that statement. Prime Minister Kandil wants to show solidarity with the Palestinian people because they had been attacked for two days by Israeli warplanes. The warplanes were sent to end the constant rocket fire at Israel that has been going on for much longer than two days. So where was the concern when the rockets were coming down on Israeli civilians?

The article reports:

Israel’s military strongly denied carrying out any attack from the time Kandil entered Gaza, and accused Hamas of violating the three-hour deal.

“Even though about 50 rockets have fallen in Israel over the past two hours, we chose not to attack in Gaza due to the visit of the Egyptian prime minister. Hamas is lying and reporting otherwise,” the army said in a Twitter message.

Kandil said: “Egypt will spare no effort … to stop the aggression and to achieve a truce.”

If you look at the history of the Middle East wars, you will see a pattern. Any time Israel comes close to putting an end to the groups that constantly attack her, someone (usually the United Nations) steps in and demands a cease fire and a truce. It is fine when Israel is being attacked, but when Israel strikes back, there is outrage. I cannot think of another country in the world that would exercise the sort of restraint under fire that Israel has shown.

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