Below The Radar On Interpol

Andy McCarthy at the Corner at National Review notes today that President Obama as of December 16th has granted Interpol the authority to operate in America without the constraints of the US Constitution.  The second source of this post is a Washington Examiner article by Mark Tapscott on December 31st.  

Mr. Tapscott points out:

“Put simply, this means the Constitution is no longer the supreme law of the land in America. Thanks to Executive Order 12425 , which Obama signed Dec. 16 without explaining why, the supreme law of the land is now arguably whatever Interpol says it is, most likely as directed by the International Criminal Court in The Hague, Netherlands, in conjunction with the United Nations.

“Maybe it’s just a bureaucratic snafu. Or perhaps Obama sincerely means to subsume U.S. law to what he views as a morally superior international body.”

This was done by an Executive Order–not by passing a law through Congress.  Mr. Tapscott points out that Interpol and ICC [the Intenrational Criminal Court] took seriously a request by Iran to place the top twenty-five civilian and military leaders of Israel on the international “Most Wanted” list because of their actions in the war in Gaza.  Interpol and the ICC are not necessarily the most objective judges in international situations.

I pointed out in a recent article that the Organization of the Islamic Conference is a 57 nation group that includes all Muslim nations and makes up the largest voting bloc in the UN.  As Muslim dictatorships gain more control in the United Nations, we can expect to see international organizations related to the United Nations attempt to limit the rights of citizens in free countries.  The laws that protect Americans in criminal proceedings could be upended by UN intervention at the same time those rights are being given to terrorists attempting to destroy this country!

At some point someone in government needs to point out that our elected officials take an oath to uphold the US Constitution.  This executive order needs to be examined by Congress and the American people in that light.