Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) Will Continue To Receive Government Money

Yesterday’s New York Times reported that the Justice Department has issued a five-page memorandum explaining why ACORN will continue to be paid money promised before their funding was cut off. 

The article points out:

“… on Oct. 1, President Obama signed into law a spending bill that included a provision that said no taxpayer money — including money authorized by previous legislation — could be “provided to” the group or its affiliates.”

ACORN was founded in Arkansas in 1970.  It describes itself as a community organization group which registers voters, provides financial services to the poor, and works toward higher minimum wages and more affordable housing.  Sounds like an admirable group until you look at the specifics.  They registered the Dallas Cowboy’s starting line-up to vote in Nevada and Mickey Mouse in Orlando.  (Somehow, I suspect Mickey voted without actually showing up).  ACORN was recently captured on video tape assisting a prostitution ring to obtain affordable housing. 

ACORN has also dumped documents in California as they were coming under investigation in that state and abandoned an office in Oklahoma after not paying the rent.  In both of these cases, information was obtained showing that they are not acting in a legal or non-political manner.  Both of these stories were previously covered on this site and can be found in the archives.  Why then, is the government continuing to fund them?

At a time when many people are unemployed or underemployed and money is tight, why are we spending taxpayer money to fund a group that engages in illegal activities?  We need to ask this question often, and we need to remember this in next year’s elections.