The Life Of Julia

The Life of Julia is the new campaign ad put out by the Obama campaign. I have watched it. I am not linking to it because it is garbage. If you want to watch it, google it. The basic premise of the ad is that the government helps Julia from a young age until old age and that will change if Mitt Romney is elected. The interesting parts of the video are the claims that Julia could lose whatever current benefit is being touted if Mitt Romney is elected and the Paul Ryan budget is passed–there are no actual facts here. It is also rather humorous that Julia will retire quite comfortably on her Social Security and receive quality healthcare under Obamacare and Medicare. There is no mention of the fact that all of these programs will be bankrupt in the near future unless changed.

The Life of Julia is aimed at an audience that wants the government involved in all aspects of its life. There is no mention of how much that costs. When Julia starts a small business, there is no mention of the over regulation on that business or the tax burden she faces if she is successful.

The Life of Julia is pure fiction. I just hope the American voters realize that.

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