ACORN On The Rebound

Yesterday’s Washington Examiner posted an article showing that the Democrat party has not given up their support of ACORN.  Despite numerous lawsuits involving voter fraud and numerous videos showing ACORN employees aiding people they think are committing illegal acts, the Democrats still love them!

Last week the House Financial Services Committee was preparing to vote on legislation to create a new Consumer Financial Protection Agency when a fight erupted over ACORN.  Democrats offered an amendment that could allow ACORN and groups like it to participate in the new Consumer Financial Protection Agency they were creating.

The bill the Democrats were voting on set up two boards within the Consumer Financial Protection Agency, an Oversight Board and an Advisory Board.  The Republicans, knowing what would logically happen next, prepared an amendment to keep ACORN from being part of the Advisory Board, the less powerful of the two boards, figuring that the Democrats would not try to set up a place for ACORN on the more powerful Oversight Board.  Well, they were wrong.  So the Republicans have had to regroup. 

According to the article:

“(Representative Michelle) Bachmann knows that Democrats managed to open up the Oversight Board to
ACORN and other groups without even being forced to publicly defend the
decision. Now, she hopes they will be forced to vote up or down on a
proposal to bar ACORN from the Oversight Board. “What we’re going to
try to do is offer an amendment when the bill goes to the floor,” says
Bachmann. “That’s the goal — to keep people who are from ACORN from
serving on the Oversight Board.””

The bottom line here is very simple.  The Democrats do not want ACORN to lose either its government support or its power.  ACORN is one of the best sources of money and votes for the Democrat Party.  It will require extreme vigilance on the part of every honest Congressman to keep ACORN from regaining public funds and positions of power in Washington.  Hopefully there are enough people left in Washington who take their responsibilities seriously enough to want to keep our government honest.