You Have To Wonder Why This Is News

There is an awful lot going on in the country (and in the world) today–economic problems, wars, revolutions, unemployment, etc. So why would Politico waste it’s time reporting that a TV show host doesn’t eat macaroni and cheese at Thanksgiving? Politico evidently considers that newsworthy. It’s actually worse than that–CBS News, the Washington Post, and Newsday are also reporting this earthshaking news.

Pat Robertson is a strong conservative with strong political connections (Pat Robertson is the son of the late Virginia Senator A. Willis Robertson). He is more than 80 years old, still very politically astute, and calls things as he sees them. I can understand why many liberal news outlets and politicians would disagree with him, but who cares what he eats for Thanksgiving (unless you are trying to figure out how to stay young despite your years)?

Yesterday in an interview with former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice by the 700 Club’s Kristi Watts, Kristi asked Secretary Rice what her favorite Thanksgiving dish was. The following exchange occurred:

It’s mac and cheese,” Rice answered.

“Sister, that is my dish, that is the one thing I can rock!” Watts said in agreement.

The article at Politico posted the dialog (and the video) aired on the show after the segment:

“What is this mac and cheese? Is that a black thing?” Robertson asked Watts on Wednesday’s show.

“It is a black thing, Pat. Listen, and you guys, other people, the world needs to get on board with macaroni and cheese,” Watts said. “Seriously, I just … OK, Christmas and Thanksgiving, we have to have macaroni and cheese and it trips me out that you don’t.”

The pair chuckled as Robertson admitted, “I really don’t, I don’t, and I have never.”

I have Italian friends who include lasagna in their Thanksgiving meal. If a talk show host asks them about that, is it newsworthy? If a non-conservative person had asked the question Pat Robertson asked, would it have made the news?

Politico posted the video. Politico is a website. The fact that at least three major news sources (CBS News, the Washington Post, and Newsday) also reported this story is amazing to me.

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A Wonderful Thanksgiving Story

Yesterday the New York Daily News posted a story about a reunion between Aurimas Ruzgys, 81, his sister, Egle, 83, and Mary Katz Erlich, 83. Aurimas Ruzgys and his sister, Egle, were Mary Katz Erlich’s Lithuanian playmates who helped save her from the Holocaust.

The New York Daily News reports:

The reunion was arranged by the Jewish Foundation for the Righteous. Missing only was the Ruzgys’ older sister, Miele, who died a few years ago.

Katz Erlich was a kid herself when the Germans took over her small Lithuanian town and began rounding up the Jews.

Her father, Srolis, and brother, Leibel, were marched off to a forest, placed in a pit, and shot. Somehow the bullets missed her dad and he escaped.

Srolis Katz fetched his wife and daughter and together they sought shelter with the devout Catholic wife of a local farmer who shopped at the Katz family’s store.

Leokadija Ruzgys let them stay for three years, hiding them in a small room where she stored potatoes and in a smokehouse out back.

After the reunion, the three headed off to Mary Katz Erlich’s daughter’s house in New York to enjoy Thanksgiving with members of the extended family of Mary Katz Erlich who would not exist without the actions of the Ruzgys.

Let’s Unfund The United Nations

CNSNews reported today that UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) has decided to reappoint Syria to a committee dealing with human rights. The United States declared a funding freeze on UNESCO after they recently admitted  “Palestine” to the agency.

The article reports:

Syrian President Bashar Assad’s regime was recently reappointed to the Committee on Conventions and Recommendations, a subsidiary body of the U.N. Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization’s executive board.

The 29-member committee, which meets twice a year, is tasked to examine often sensitive communications received from individuals or organizations relating to human rights violations within UNESCO’s field of competence – that is, in education, science, culture and communication (including freedom of opinion and expression.)

Other members of the committee in 2010-2011 include Algeria, Belarus, China, Cuba, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia and Venezuela. Not exactly a group known for its support of civil liberties.

The article also reported:

The U.S. accounts for 22 percent of UNESCO’s operating budget and also makes voluntary contributions. The enforced funding cut saves U.S. taxpayers more than $80 million a year.

The United Nations does not even agree with itself on the issue of Syria. The article reports:

But Syria’s return to the committee is particularly controversial at a time when Damascus is under fire for a violent response to anti-government protests that has killed more than 3,500 people. (A U.N. General Assembly committee on Tuesday passed a draft resolution by a 122-13 vote condemning Assad for the crackdown.)

It really is time for the United States to withdraw itself and its support from the United Nations. The organization began with good intentions, but now has become a place where tyrants rule.

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What Voter Fraud ?

Many states currently under Republican control have moved to set up voter identification requirements in order to prevent voter fraud. Many Democrat Party members have accused the Republicans of trying to suppress the voter rather than prevent fraud. I posted a story about this yesterday (

Today there is a new story. in South Georgia reports:

12 former Brooks County officials were indicted for voter fraud. The suspects are accused of illegally helping people vote by absentee ballot.

State officials launched an investigation after an unusually high number of absentee ballots were cast in the July 2010 primary election. “As a result of their grand jury findings 12 individuals were indicted in that particular matter and we will be trying that case in a court of judicial law instead of a court of public opinion so that will be pending this next year,” said District Attorney Joe Mulholland.

The people indicted included some workers in the voter registrar’s office and some school board members. It is a shame that supposed leaders in the community would engage in this sort of behavior.

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I Realize That I Am Probably In The Minority Here, But…

CNN reported today that University of California officials said Tuesday they will pay the medical expenses of students who were pepper sprayed during an Occupy Davis protest last week. Accuracy In Media posted a story on Monday about the media distortion of the event. I tend to fall more on the side of Accuracy in Media than CNN.

There is an extended video of the pepper spraying incident which shows the police asking the seated protesters numerous times to move. The protesters ignored the police. At that point, the protesters were breaking the law. As someone who has been at the scene of right-to-life protests, I can tell you that the police were very patient with the University protesters. Protest is a right under our constitution; blocking a road or pathway is not.

If the police have no way of moving protesters, where is the enforcement of law? The police are asked to keep order in our communities, do we really want to take the ability to do that away from them?

I am sorry that the students were pepper sprayed, but had they moved as they were asked to do when they were asked, they would not have been. Was this entire incident a set-up to try to gain support for the Occupiers? Are we being manipulated by the press? Those are the questions we need to ask.

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It Had To Happen–The Associated Press Is Blaming President Bush For The Failure Of The Super Committee

Official photograph portrait of former U.S. Pr...

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The article was posted today at ABC News. I really have nothing to say. I think the whole thing is ridiculous. If you care to read the original article, you have my blessings, but I’m not quoting it! Keep in mind that the super committee was designed to fail and become a campaign issue. That’s what this article is about. Watch for class warfare and how unfair it is that some Americans are actually successful!

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The Case For Voter Identification

Artur Davis (D) - US Representative

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Yesterday the Daily Caller posted a story about the need for voter identification. Generally speaking, the Democrats claim that the move toward requiring voters to have picture identification is designed to limit the voting ability of minorities. Well, one Democrat is destroying that argument with tales of Democrat voter fraud.

The article reports:

But former Democratic Rep. Artur Davis told The Daily Caller that anti-fraud measures are needed to protect African-Americans from corrupt political bosses — many of them African-Americans themselves — who run Democratic Party machines in the South.

The Daily Caller quotes Mr. Davis:

“What I have seen in my state, in my region, is the the most aggressive practitioners of voter-fraud are local machines who are tied lock, stock and barrel to the special interests in their communities — the landfills, the casino operators — and they’re cooking the [ballot] boxes on election day, they’re manufacturing absentee ballots, they’re voting [in the names of] people named Donald Duck, because they want to control politics and thwart progress.”

We need more people to speak up for voter identification–honest elections are a very necessary part of our government.

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Why We Need New Republican Leadership

CNS News reported yesterday:

House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) and House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va,) were not among the 72 House Republicans who signed a letter to the Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction–the so-called “Supercommittee”–asking the committee not to call for increasing taxes.

This is a chart from which shows where the budget problem is:

It shows a dramatic rise in government spending as a percentage of the gross domestic product since about 2006 (when the Democrats took over the House of Representatives–the branch of government that controls the purse strings). Until the spending is brought down to the traditional 18 to 20 percent of the gross domestic product, we will continue to borrow (from China) 40 cents of every dollar we spend. Eventually, we will go bankrupt.

The problem is not low taxes–it is out of control spending. If the Republican leadership does not realize that, we need new Republican leadership.


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Forget The Scolding By Obama–Look At The History


Jim Jordan (Ohio politician)

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Fox News yesterday quoted President Obama on the failure of the super committee:

“There will be no easy off ramps on this one,” Obama said at an afternoon press conference where he laid blame squarely on Republicans who refused to bend in their defense of tax cuts for the wealthy during debt talks. “We need to keep the pressure up to compromise, not turn off the pressure.”

This is simply wrong. The only budget in the past three years proposed by a Democrat was President Obama’s, and it was voted down by the Senate 97 to 0 (according to The Hill).

Big Government posted a more accurate evaluation of where we are and how we got here by Representative Jim Jordan:

Jordan Responds to the Super Committee’s Lack of Agreement

 Washington, DC – Republican Study Committee Chairman Jim Jordan offered the following statement after the Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction failed to come to agreement, triggering $1.2 trillion of automatic spending cuts over a ten year period beginning in 2013:

Throughout the year, the Republican Study Committee has offered solutions to address the debt crisis, including the Cut, Cap and Balance plan that passed the House with bipartisan support.  But instead of a solution, Washington wanted a deal, and thus the Super Committee was created.”

“I want to thank our Republican leadership for holding the line on taxes.  Higher taxes do not create jobs – they only serve to feed Washington’s insatiable appetite to spend.”

I also want to thank Co-Chairman Jeb Hensarling for his leadership in trying to find bipartisan solutions to stop the out-of-control spending in a town that has only balanced its budget five times in the past 50 years.  Unfortunately, this exercise has further proven that the liberal appetite for bigger government and higher taxes outweighs everything else.”

Though President Obama acknowledged that entitlement programs are some of the biggest drivers of our debt, he has failed to show any leadership in trying to save them.  Predictably, the tax-and-spend Democrats on the Joint Select Committee fell in line right behind him.  Their failure of leadership could doom these important safety net programs.”

Moving forward, there are clear and responsible ways to solve our debt and economic problems without raising taxes.  I encourage Congressional leaders to advance the Republican Study Committee’s concrete solutions to create jobs, reduce spending, and balance the budget.”

Solutions from the Republican Study Committee·    

H.R. 408, the Spending Reduction Act, identifies over 100 unnecessary programs, provides a head start towards balancing the budget, and saves taxpayers trillions of dollars over the next decade.     

The RSC Budget for FY 2012 balances the federal budget in less than ten years and institutes reforms that will protect seniors and help save Americans’ health care safety net. 

H.R. 2560, the Cut, Cap, and Balance Act, cuts spending immediately, caps it in future years, and requires Congress to send a Balanced Budget Amendment to the American public for approval.   

H.R. 3400, the Jobs Through Growth Act, cuts through red tape, creates a simpler and fairer tax code, and tears down barriers to energy production. In short, it creates jobs by growing the economy, not the government     

H.R. 1167, the Welfare Reform Act, builds upon the successful reforms of 1996, paves the way to find efficiencies in the 70+ federal welfare programs, and returns welfare spending to pre-recession levels once unemployment falls to 6.5%.


This is a much more accurate picture of the history of the budget battle than the one given by President Obama. Higher taxes on the rich will not solve anything–they will only promote class warfare–one of the major talking points the Democrat party will use in the 2012 election cycle. We don’t need to punish people who have worked hard to be successful. Taking money away from people who work hard and giving it to other people does not encourage anyone to work hard. Do we really want the government deciding how much we are allowed to earn before they start taking it away from us?



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“Throw Them All Out”

Seal of the Speaker of the United States House...

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“Throw Them All Out” is the name of a recent book by Peter Schweizer. It deals with insider trading and crony capitalism in our government. There are multiple stories on the internet about this book and its information, my sources are CBN News and Big Government.

CBN cites the following examples:

When California Democrat Nancy Pelosi was House speaker in 2008, she got preferred treatment to invest in a credit card company at the same time Congress was considering credit card legislation.

Another former House speaker, Republican Dennis Hastert, returned to his home state of Illinois after making millions on a land deal that involved a congressional earmark.

Big Government reports:

Media Matters has offered up a ridiculous post that tries to distort the fundamental facts about Barack Obama’s green energy program. I hesitated whether to even comment on it because they fail in the basic tenets of honest journalism. George Soros is a large contributor to Media Matters.

The article at Big Government lists the approved loans to green energy companies that included major fund raisers for the Obama campaign. All of these loans did not go through for various reasons, but all were approved.

I’m not really supporting the idea of throwing them all out. There were some Congressmen elected in 2010 that are not involved in this sort of thing. There are also some Congressmen that have been there for a while who have not used their offices for personal gain. We need to make sure we differentiate between those who have been dishonest and those who have not. I am, however, willing to throw anyone out who has profited because of insider knowledge or has used their office for personal gain. We just need to make sure we do our homework before we throw anyone out of office!

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The Money In Climate Science

Yesterday John Hinderaker at Power Line posted a story about James Hansen, one of the leaders in the fight to convince the world that global warming is real and man-made.

The article reports:

It recently came out that James Hansen, one of the two or three most prominent global warming alarmists on whose work the IPCC reports rest, “forgot” to report $1.6 million in outside income, as required by his government contracts. Is that significant? Well, yes: A handful of scientists, including Hansen, have gotten wealthy on climate alarmism. They have an enormous financial interest in the faux science they have done so much to perpetrate.

Mr. Hinderaker points out that being a global-warming alarmist can be very profitable. The federal grants go to the people who claim that we are in serious danger, and the exotic speaking engagements go to the more radical proponents of global warming.

There is another aspect of this that I find extremely interesting. There is a website called that shows some of the locations of the temperature gauges the global warming people are using to monitor temperature changes.

This is a sensor in Marysville, California.

This sensor is in Hopkinsville, Kentucky. Note that it is very close to both the house and the air conditioning unit.

There are more pictures available at

I am probably one of the least scientific people on the planet, but even I have figured out that when you stand near an air conditioning unit, the air next to that unit tends to be a bit warmer than the air farther away.

We need to understand that there are climate cycles that occur naturally. We are not in control of the climate–either in a positive or negative way.

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Homeland Security’s Worst Nightmare

Yesterday the New York Daily News posted a story about the arrest of a suspected terrorist. The terrorist, Jose Pimentel, was an American citizen, inspired and guided by the internet, and was a follower of Anwar al-Awlaki.

The article reports:

Pimentel, who went by the alias Muhammad Yusuf, told an informant posing as an Al Qaeda sympathizer he would show “there was mujahedeen in the city ready to fight jihad here.”

When the police arrested Mr. Pimentel, he was about an hour away from successfully finishing a powerful pipe bomb.

Mr. Pimentel is an American citizen who was born in the Dominican Republic.

The article reports:

“I don’t know anything,” said his uncle Luis Severino, adding that his nephew moved in with him about two years ago after getting a divorce. “The only change I noticed in him is that he started following the Muslim religion.”

Mr. Pimentel is described as a ‘lone wolf’ in terms of terrorism. A lone wolf is difficult to detect because theoretically he is the only person aware of the terrorist plot he is planning. However, in the age of the internet, I am not sure there really is any such thing as a lone wolf terrorist. At some point, Mr. Pimentel began reading the on-line Al Qaeda magazine INSPIRE. When he was caught, he was using a bomb-making recipe he found in the magazine. Without the inspiration and instruction found on the internet, I am not sure Mr. Pimentel would have been radicalized. The other question I have in this case is, “What mosque did Mr. Pimentel attend and what was taught at that mosque?”

We have always had violent people among us–the unibomber comes to mind–but we seem to be dealing with a different sort of danger here. If we have mosques in this country teaching violence, we need to know where they are and keep an eye on the people who lead them and the people who attend them. I sounds to me as if this was a man who went through a divorce and was searching for his purpose in society. He found it in the idea of blowing up his fellow Americans. We need to look at how he arrived at that point and see what can be done to prevent others from taking that journey.

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Some Notes On The Current Budget Debate

The super committee is desperately trying to find a way to cut the budget deficit. I am not alone in believing that no solution will be reached.

On Friday posted an article about what exactly is being discussed. Some basic facts pointed out in the article:

Words can’t even begin to describe the scope of borrowed federal spending, but it is no doubt a staggering figure that has risen dramatically in the last decade and is more than $4 trillion higher than when President Barack Obama took office less than three years ago.

Federal spending, at about 24 percent today, is significantly over the average of 20 percent of GDP, but in a decade it will top 26 percent.  Within a generation it will reach nearly 35 percent of GDP.

The facts are simple: Entitlements are going to generate European style debt levels unless they are reformed. Paying for it without bringing down their spending would require constant, crushing tax hikes on all taxpayers — not just the top 1 percent.

And there are some in the House and Senate who understand the problem and are advocating significant action. Seventy-two Members of the House and 33 Senators are standing against continued overspending, over-borrowing, and overtaxing. In a letter yesterday to the super committee, the House Members wrote, “It is evident that America has a fiscal crisis because Washington spends too much, not because it taxes too little,” and warned, “Increasing taxes on Americans would destroy jobs, erase all hope of an economic recovery, and simply serve to feed out-of-control spending in Washington.”

If those in Washington do not have the courage to cut the spending, we need to elect people who do.

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When The Government Oversteps Its Bounds The Grass Roots Wake Up

This small shrimp trawler uses outriggers, wit...

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On Thursday CNS News reported that commercial fisherman are fighting back against excessive regulations put in place by the Obama administration.

The article reports:

A group calling itself the Seafood Coalition is calling on Congress to do what it can to scuttle President Obama’s National Ocean Policy National Ocean Policy, which the president unilaterally imposed by executive order in 2010.

In a letter to the House Natural Resources Committee, the Seafood Coalition said that the president’s plan adds a needless level of top-down bureaucracy and regulation on fisheries.

Please notice that the new regulations were put in place by executive order rather than the normal legislative process.

The article further reports:

Stolpe (Nils Stolpe, spokesman for the Seafood Coalition) said the regional boards will throw up in the air the bottom-up scheme that has been in effect since 1976, when Congress passed the Magnuson Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act to address overfishing.

“The management program we have in place now is working – it’s working really well – and we don’t need another layer of bureaucracy stuck on top of that,” he said.

Stolpe said the commercial seafood industry currently works hand-in-hand with federal and state fisheries managers and scientists to create “an effective management process” which already promotes “sustainable” fishing.

“Eighty percent of our domestic fisheries – fisheries exclusively in the U.S. economic zone – are no longer being overfished,” Stolpe said.

The White House, meanwhile, specifically denies the accusation made by the fishing industry.

What has happened as the result of this executive order? Small commercial fishermen have been forced out of business and the cost of seafood for the consumer has risen. If there is a valid need for a new law, the law needs to be introduced in Congress and voted on by Congress. The executive order regarding fishing has created more problems than it solved.

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The Problem With Green Energy

A wind turbine at Greenpark, Reading, England,...

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Green energy is a great idea. Unfortunately, we haven’t reached the point where it makes economic sense. I suspect we will get there in the near future, but we are not there yet. When the United States or other governments try to force the issue, they run into problems. (See from March 8, 2011, which explains what has happened with green energy in Spain). Now it’s the Netherlands’ turn.

On Wednesday, November 16, Reuters reported that the Dutch government is preparing to end its subsidies of offshore wind power. There are 36 turbines in the North Sea that produce enough electricity to meet the needs of more than 100,000 households each year. Because of the need to cut its budget deficit, the Dutch government says it can no longer afford to subsidize the entire cost of offshore wind power (18 cents per kilowatt hour–4.5 billion euros last year).

The article reports:

The government now plans to transfer the financial burden to households and industrial consumers in order to secure the funds for wind power and try to attract private sector investment.

It will start billing consumers and companies in January 2013 and simultaneously launch a system under which investors will be able to apply to participate in renewable energy projects.

But the new billing system will reap only a third of what was previously available to the industry in subsidies — the government forecasts 1.5 billion euros every year — while the pricing scale of the investment plan makes it more likely that interested parties will choose less expensive technologies than wind.

The outlook for Dutch wind projects seems bleak.

There will come a day when green energy is practical. Today is not it. When the government interferes with the free market, bad things happen.



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Some Comments From Someone Who Is There

This entry was posted on Power Line on November 9. I delayed in posting it because I was waiting for permission from the writer. I am posting a small amount of what he said, please follow the above link to read the rest.

Pete Hegseth, founder of Vets For Freedom, is now posted to Afghanistan, where he is training Afghans as well as American and coalition troops. His reports on the situation there are as knowledgeable as any you can find. Here is his latest dispatch, hot off the press:

Pakistan. With haven across the border, the insurgency is literally able to regenerate itself faster than we can degrade it. Likewise, conditions have not yet been made inhospitable for insurgents in either Afghanistan or Pakistan, so insurgents flow back and forth. Insurgent leadership operates openly in many parts of Pakistan, training, equipping, and indoctrinating young fighters to join the so-called “jihad.” Insurgent safe haven in, and support from, Pakistan is the single largest inhibitor to success and stability in Afghanistan.

Afghan Government. As I noted in previous emails, few Afghans view the administration of President Karzai favorably—undermining the national government’s ability to be seen as legitimate. More damningly, the government’s ability to project positive influence to the local level remains minimal. Basic local governmental functions—such as dispute resolution, swift justice, good education, and land management—are going unmet, providing a tailor-made opportunity for the Taliban to fill the void.

Taliban. Speaking of the Taliban, they have proven to be a very resilient, adaptive, and ideologically dedicated bunch. They’re not giants, and not liked by most Afghans. But their militants—along with regional shadow governments—remain potent and influential. The way I see it, the Taliban wouldn’t kill the head of the “High Peace Council” unless they felt fairly confident they don’t need to negotiate with the Coalition or Afghan government. We’re killing lots of them, but they still believe time, history, and God is on their side.

Timeline. The perception of our pending exit looms ever larger, marginalizing our influence by the day. Afghans are already starting to look through, and past, the Coalition (e.g. Karzai saying he’d side with Pakistan if they went to war with us) and hoarding supplies, weapons, and equipment for whatever is coming next (i.e. “gettin’ while the gettin’s good).

Population Response. The people (especially non-Pashtuns) don’t like the Taliban and don’t want them to come back. But, at the same time, they’re quietly terrified that the Taliban’s return is inevitable (and arming themselves accordingly). I’ve yet to meet a single Afghan who believes the situation here will improve once we leave. My orbit is admittedly limited, but I regularly speak with Coalition and Afghan elements from across the country—mostly mid-to-low-level folks—and the answer is universally the same. Similarly, while impressive tactical gains have been made throughout the South, there is limited evidence that the population in those areas have truly shifted their longer-term allegiance to the Afghan government or security forces.

Coalition Warfare. 49 nations are involved in the Coalition—but only a handful contributes on a meaningful scale. This is not to indict the soldiers from the other 40+ countries—most would love to contribute more. Yet, national (political) caveats limit their locations, missions, and activities. These nations therefore become more of a hindrance than an asset; consuming time, energy, and resources that could be spent more effectively. This fact is the worst kept secret in Kabul.

Afghan Capabilities. The lack of education and level of ignorance in Afghanistan is staggering. Literally, only 1 in 10 men who join the Afghan National Army can write his own name, and only slightly more can count. Similarly, the origins of our effort here is an enigma to many Afghans. September 11th is burned in our brains, but is largely unknown to Afghans outside of large cities. That said, Afghans are not dumb—they are savvy, resourceful, and generous people. But they are also prone to conspiracy theories, propaganda, and rumors. It’s no wonder the Taliban are so effective in using local communications mechanisms to shape the narrative—portraying the war as imperial aggression rather than self-defense and support for democratic governance.

Afghan Security Force Viability. In previous emails I’ve discussed this topic in the context of funding and force size. Those critiques remain. However, time has increased my concern about the long-term viability of the force. At a recent press conference, Afghan security forces acknowledged that “their goal is to no longer defeat the insurgency, but to create capable security forces.” Similarly, there is a great deal of doubt—especially at the soldier level where new Afghan combat outposts are being established—whether Afghans will maintain the initiative or just abandon contentious postings when we leave.

Similarly, the lack of Afghan urgency is readily on display at our center. At the end of a recent partnered class (meaning both Coalition and Afghan), and following a robust and engaging discussion on insurgent groups, the hand of an Afghan student shot up. I called on him. He spoke and the interpreter translated—looking very embarrassed. Sheepishly the interpreter said, “he [the Afghan soldier] wants to know when he can go home [for the day].” It was 2:00pm.

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A Taste Of The Misinformation To Come

Hot Air posted a story today aimed at clearing up one of the attacks on Newt Gingrich that actually has no basis in fact. It is an attack (and talking point of the left) that has been around for at least twenty years, and it is really nasty as well as being untrue.

The story is that Newt Gingrich divorced his wife as she law in a hospital bed dying of cancer. His daughter, Jackie Gingrich Cushman, has decided to set the record straight.

Ms. Cushman tells her story at a website called She relates:

So, to correct the record, here is what happened: My mother, Jackie Battley Gingrich, is very much alive, and often spends time with my family. I am lucky to have such a “Miracle Mom,” as I titled her in a column this week. 

As for my parents’ divorce, I can remember when they told me.

It was the spring of 1980. 

I was 13 years old, and we were about to leave Fairfax, Va., and drive to Carrollton, Ga., for the summer. My parents told my sister and me that they were getting a divorce as our family of four sat around the kitchen table of our ranch home. 

Soon afterward, my mom, sister and I got into our light-blue Chevrolet Impala and drove back to Carrollton.

Later that summer, Mom went to Emory University Hospital in Atlanta for surgery to remove a tumor. While she was there, Dad took my sister and me to see her.

It is this visit that has turned into the infamous hospital visit about which many untruths have been told. I won’t repeat them. You can look them up online if you are interested in untruths. But here’s what happened:

My mother and father were already in the process of getting a divorce, which she requested.

Dad took my sister and me to the hospital to see our mother.

She had undergone surgery the day before to remove a tumor.

The tumor was benign.

As with many divorces, it was hard and painful for all involved, but life continued.

As have many families, we have healed; we have moved on. 

It would have been nice of the people who spread this story to mention that Jackie Battley Gingrich is still alive and was not dying of cancer–nor did she die! Unfortunately divorce is a part of our society, we need to get past the habit of condemning the people who have gone through it.

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When Politics Is More Important The The Welfare Of Americans

Steven Hayward at Power Line posted an article today about the decision by the Obama administration to delay the leasing of shale gas fields in Ohio. This is an attempt by the administration to win back the environmentalists who are not happy after President Obama decided not to change the current ozone rules. Evidently when Lisa P. Jackson, the administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, was appointed she expected to rewrite those rules quickly–now she is being told that she will have to wait until 2013 if President Obama is reelected. That is something to keep in mind–rewriting the rules in the manner that Ms. Jackson would rewrite them would cripple America’s economy and greatly decrease our domestic energy supply.

The article at Power Line reports:

If you want to get a little more of an idea of the federal permitting problem, have a look at the embedded video on this Energy Information Administration squib about the Bakken field in North Dakota and Montana.  As you will see from the animation, the bulk of activity in the early years occurred in Montana, on some old federal leases, but in recent years those fields have started to tail off while North Dakota has boomed into the fourth largest oil-producing state in the country.  Most of the activity in North Dakota is occurring on private or state land (ditto for gas production in Pennsylvania), while new exploration and production in Montana has atrophied because of the fields there are mostly on federal land, and new areas are not being opened up.

America has the ability to meet its own domestic energy needs in an environmentally safe way. Right now government interference is preventing America from doing that. However, the tide may be changing.

The article at Power Line also reports:

Mr. Brune [the current executive director]  (of the Sierra Club) acknowledged that paid membership had declined by about 100,000 in recent years, to just more than 600,000, but attributed it to financial hardship caused by the recession.

It is important to protect the environment. It is also important to understand that civilization as we know it and a clean environment can co-exist. The next presidential election will determine whether civilization as we know it will continue to exist.


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A Surprisingly Fair Article About Newt Gingrich

Newt Gingrich, Speaker of the House. November ...

Image via Wikipedia

As of right now, I am not willing to handicap the Republican race for the White House. However, I do think Newt Gingrich is one of the smartest candidates we have had in a while in terms of understanding American history and what America is. I think he has some interesting ideas, but I think he is extremely vulnerable to attacks from the left on many aspects of his personal life.

National Public Radio posted an article today called, “5 Things You May Not Know About Newt Gingrich.” It is not an earth-shattering article, but it is actually reasonably fair. The article is slightly skewed to relate things that some Republicans may have problems with–for instance, the fact that he was not the main force between the impeachment of Bill Clinton–but many Republicans will view that as the result of being politically astute. Please follow the link and read the entire article–there was actually some new information in it!


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Some Details On Congressional Insider Trading


U.S. Senator John Kerry of Massachusetts

Image via Wikipedia

Big Government posted an article today showing documents it has obtained detailing some of John Kerry’s stock trades during the debates before the passage of Obamacare. Oddly enough, the trades took place in pharmaceutical stocks and were executed in such a manner to insure significant profits. Was he just a really good investor?

The article reports:

Sen. John Kerry’s position on the powerful Senate Finance Committee’s Health Subcommittee gives him direct access to critical information regarding health care policy. In July 2009, pharmaceutical industry representatives met with key members of Congress to flesh out the Obamacare bill. Then, in November 2009, with the bill’s passage was looking more likely, the Kerrys’ portfolios reflect a drug stock buying spree.

The article also cites some of the Kerry family’s trading during the negotiations on the prescription drug plan:

The Kerrys’ investment funds bulked up on:

  1. More than $500,000 of Johnson & Johnson
  2. As much as $1 million of Pfizer
  3. At least $200,000 in Oxford Health Plans
  4. Between $500,000 and $1 million in United Health Group
  5. At least $100,000 of Cardinal Health
  6. At least $240,000 of Merck

The result: after the bill was signed into law in 2004, some of the Kerrys’ investments were sold, which netted between $100,000 and $1 million from Oxford Health Plans, plus tens of thousands from Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, and Cardinal Health.

Please follow the link to the article in Big Government to read the entire article and see the documentation of the trades.

This sort of behavior on the part of our elected officials is simply unacceptable.

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I Had Hoped To Avoid Doing This, But…

If you are looking for a news story this is not it. This is a personal saga that I am sharing in the hopes that someone who reads it will have a solution.

Last year I bought a car from my local Ford dealer. Because I keep my cars for a long time, I paid an extra $2200 for an extended service contract. The car now has 13,500 miles on it. I noticed recently that my rear window defogger was not working, so when I took the car in for an oil change yesterday, I asked the dealer to check it. He did. He told me that a part was broken and because of the way it was broken, the only way to fix it was to replace the convertible top at an out-of-pocket cost to me of $2000 plus. Needless to say, I am more than a little upset. I have contacted Ford, and the Dealer. Neither has been much help. I have also put my lawyer on call. The booklet that they gave me when I spent the $2200 for the warranty said the rear window defogger was included.

What do I do now?????????

America Used To Be A Good Influence…

The Washington Times reported today on a federal program that funneled $18 million in taxpayer cash to a number of groups in Kenya, at least one of which openly worked to reverse the African country’s ban on killing the unborn. U.S. law prohibits lobbying for or against abortion with foreign aid money.

How did the Obama administration get around the law? The article explains:

The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) skirted the ban by using grant recipients to help re-write the country’s charter. “The groups that were supported are the pro-abortion groups in Kenya – not just some group that may have an interest,” Rep. Christopher H. Smith told The Washington Times. The New Jersey Republican was one of the three members who asked government auditors to perform a full investigation of how taxpayer funds were spent.

The article further reports:

In 2008, the government of Kenya charged a “committee of experts” with drafting a new constitution that would be presented to voters for approval. This committee’s original draft only stated that “every person has the right to life.” The International Development Law Organization (IDLO), which took $400,000 in administration cash, provided “input” to the committee. The next draft allowed abortion when the “health of the mother is in danger, or if permitted by any other written law.” This language made it to the final, ratified constitution.

Aside from the fact that America is broke and can’t afford to spend $18 million in taxpayer money to set up legal abortion in another country, it is sad that we are exporting our lack of regard for human life abroad.

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The Myth Of Actually Cutting Spending

As long as we have the current leadership in Congress, the federal government will continue to grow. That is true despite what you are hearing about coming drastic cuts by the super committee or drastic cuts if the super committee fails.

This is where we are:

George Will posted an article at the Washington Post yesterday explaining that the current discussions are all smoke and mirrors.

The article reports:

But suppose the sequester occurs. Ignore loose talk about “draconian” spending cuts. Veronique de Rugy of George Mason University’s Mercatus Center has a graph you should see.

It shows two lines. The top one charts spending, 2013-2021, without the sequester; the other shows spending with the sequester. Both lines are ascending. Both show annual spending rising from less than $4 trillion to more than $5 trillion. The space between them is so narrow that it is difficult to see that there are two lines. Without the sequester, spending will increase $1.7 trillion; with the sequester, spending will increase $1.6 trillion. Here are categories of spending:

Ten-year spending increases:

                                                     Without                         With

Defense                                   20 percent                    18 percent

Nondefense discretionary     14 percent                   12 percent

Medicare                                   62 percent                    62 percent

Other mandatory                      51 percent                     51 percent

Net interest                            152 percent                   136 percent

This whole super committee thing seems to be much ado about nothing.

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The Law Of Unintended Consequences At Work In The Middle East

Inside the streets of walled old Jerusalem city.

Image via Wikipedia

Yesterday’s Jerusalem Post reported on the next step now that the Palestinian Authority has been admitted to UNESCO as a member state.

The article reports:

“We will take Israel to court for systematically destroying and forging Arab and Islamic culture in Jerusalem,” said Hatem Abdel Qader, former PA minister for Jerusalem affairs, after the UNESCO vote.

PA Minister of Tourism Khuloud Daibes alleges that Israel’s renovations of Jerusalem’s Old City walls and its intention to replace the crumbling Mughrabi Bridge at the southern entrance to the Temple Mount are hostile attempts to “change the Islamic and Arabic character of the city.”

There seems to be some distortion of history here–Jerusalem has been central to Jewish history since the time of King David and his son Solomon. Jerusalem did not become significant as an Islamic holy site until the rule of the Umayyads (661-750 CE). The Dome of the Rock was built in 688-91 CE on the spot where Jewish Temples had stood.

The article further reports:

If this weren’t so funny, it would be outrageous. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black! Israel set the international gold standard for unimpeded religious worship in Jerusalem, and for painstaking preservation of Muslim and Christian holy sites and archeological sites across Israel. In civilized and professional circles, Israel is recognized as having contributed enormously to the excavation, study and preservation of Holy Land historical sites and relics.

By contrast, there is no Arab or Islamic country in the Middle East where Christians or Jews can freely operate religious institutions. Under Palestinian Authority and Hamas rule, Christians in the West Bank and Gaza have been hounded, terrorized and driven out. Christian Bethlehem is, effectively, no more. The Church of Nativity was defiled by Palestinian Muslim terrorists who turned it into an armed refuge in 2002. Churches in Gaza have been bombed and burned. Can you imagine how the churches of Jerusalem might fare under Palestinian rule?

Please follow the link to the Jerusalem Post story. The article details some of the destruction of antiquities the Muslims have engaged in on the Temple Mount in order to erase the Jewish roots of the site.

Unfortunately, we have opened the door to a group of terrorists who want to rewrite history and obliterate the Jewish people from the Middle East.


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