What Republicans Need To Beat President Obama In 2012

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Today, Dorothy Rabinowitz posted an article at the Wall Street Journal stating her ideas of what the Republican candidate for President will have to do to win in 2012.  It's an impressive list.

Ms. Rabinowitz points out that the Republican candidate will have to be able to talk about Social Security and Medicare without scaring the electoriate.  He (or she) will be aided in this by the fact that many Americans fear Obamacare more than they fear redesigning Social Security or Medicare.  Ms. Rabinowitz points out that Americans are more concerned about jobs than about discussions about the size of government.  She reminds us that the Republican candidate should talk about the Justice Department and how President Obama has politicized it.  He should remind us of the effort to try 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed in a civilian court in America.  He should also remind us that the Attorney General has still not dropped charges against two CIA employees who used enhanced interrogation techniques on terrorists.

According to Ms. Rabinowitz, the Republican candidate needs a coherent foreign policy (and the ability to explain it clearly).  The candidate might remind Americans of some of the things the Obama administration has done in the area of foreign policy that have hurt allies and broken promises--cancelling the planned missile defense system that had been promised to Poland and the Czech Republic, and the State Department announcement in March 2010 by Hillary Clinton that stated America no longer supported the British in the matter of the Falkland Islands.  The State Department then began referring to the Falklands as the Malvinas (the Argentinian name).

According to Ms. Rabinowitz, the Republican candidate needs to remind us that America is something we can take pride in.  He will need to remind us that even though America is not perfect, there is not a more perfect place on earth.  That is the candidate we need to defeat President Obama in 2012.

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