Obamacare's Last Stop Before The Supreme Court

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Yesterday the Washington Examiner reported that the U. S. Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit in Atlanta will hear arguments against Obamacare today by lawyers representing 26 states.  There are two major legal objections to Obamacare.  The first is that the individual mandate that requires everyone to purchase health insurance in unconstitutional.  The argument here is that if the government can require you to purchase health insurance, there is no limit to what the government can require you to purchase.  The second major objection is the way that Obamacare dramatically expands Medicaid.  Medicaid is a federal program that is partially funded by the states.  The idea that the Medicaid program would be massively expanded and the states forced to pay for the expansion is in violation of the Tenth Amendment. 

It is very likely that the next stop for Obamacare will be the Supreme Court.  It will be interesting to see if they take the case and how they rule on it.

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