I'm Shocked !

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The Times Live reported yesterday that on Monday the Muslim Brotherhood's political party was declared legal in Egypt for the first time since it was founded.  The party is named the Freedom and Justice party and will be active in the upcoming elections in Egypt. 

The article reports:

"As the best-organised political movement in Egypt, the Brotherhood announced on April 30 the formation of a "non-theocratic party" to contest up to half of parliament's seats in a September election."

The party announced last month that it had almost 9,000 founding members.

The goal of the Muslim Brotherhood is a world-wide caliphate under Sharia Law.  That is stated in their charter and was reaffirmed in the documents uncovered in the Holy Land Foundation Case in Texas.  Egypt is one of their first steps along that road.  The Arab spring will very shortly become a long, hot summer.

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