How Much Thuggery Are We Willing To Accept In Politics ?

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Yesterday's New York Post posted an article quoting Senator Orrin Hatch, senior Senator from Utah, on the Hugh Hewitt show, "The Democrats, he said, "play politics very, very tough, they play it well, and they don't give a damn about what's right and what's wrong."

Unfortunately, that has become very obvious because of recent events, both in states and on the federal level.

The article cites recent events in Wisconsin:

"Blindsided last fall by the election of Gov. Scott Walker, the loss of both houses of the legislature and the US Senate seat held by ultraliberal Russ Feingold, the Democrats have simply refused to accept defeat and instead are continuing the fight by any means necessary."

When Governor Walker proposed and passed legislation to limit the collective bargaining power of public-sector unions, threats and intimidation of legislators and citizens who supported the legislation followed.  In other states, where the Democrats were in control of the legislature, the passing of similar legislation got barely a whimper of protest.  The attack was clearly aimed at the Republican governor and Republicans in the legislature--not the issue.

Meanwhile, Boeing aircraft is under attack for wanting to open a new assembly plant in South Carolina.  The National Labor Relations Board is blocking the efforts of the company because South Carolina is a right-to-work state and Washington state, where other Boeing assembly lines are located, is a unionized state.  Last week, the Democrats in Congress held show trials for oil executives in order to divert attention from their own failure to put together a framework for domestic energy independence.  This does nothing to solve the country's energy problem.

This is not politics as usual.  There is an element of intimidation and misuse of power here that is inappropriate in a democracy.  This is a time in our history when we desperately need leadership--not thuggery

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