Under The Radar Energy Policy

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As the unrest in the Middle East continues, the price of oil increases and decreases, generally having a net increase.  American politicians seem to be blind to the dangers of depending on foreign sources of energy.

Yesterday the Washington Examiner posted an article entitled "How we will end up paying $6 a gallon for gas."  The article also points out that the number of people out of work is also growing. 

There is currently a de facto moratorium on United States deepwater drilling in the Gulf of Mexico put there by President Obama.  Gulf oil workers have begged the Obama administration to approve new permits.

The article cites President Obama's response to these requests:

"Obama responded from the Bizarro World. He said he wanted to cut America's dependence on foreign oil. Then his administration effectively blocked U.S. offshore exploration, refusing to approve but a handful of deepwater permits in the Gulf. He said he wanted incentives for domestic drilling, then sought new limits on drilling leases.

"Oh, yes, Obama did call for more drilling in 2011... in Brazil. He traveled there to tell Brazil's leaders that he was looking forward to importing more of their oil. "We want to help with technology and support to develop these oil reserves safely, and when you're ready to start selling, we want to be one of your best customers," Obama said."

Of course this makes America dependent on Brazil's oil production.  Meanwhile Brazil and China are drawing closer together as part of BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa), a group that is attempting to decrease American influence in the world.  (See rightwinggranny April 15, 2011).

We need to expand energy production in the United States now.  Otherwise we will find ourselves paying more to drive and more to heat our homes in the very near future.

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