Part Of The Story In Wisconsin That Isn't Always Told

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Yesterday the Weekly Standlard blog reported the comments a Wisconsin political insider made on a Milwaukee radio station.

He stated that the Senators and their staffs had been asked to clear the Capitol because the administration could not guarantee their safety.  They were informed that the new protesters who would be coming in "aren't afraid to be arrested." 

Thursday, the legislators returned to their offices and were advised to lock the doors. 

The article reports:

"Mobs roamed the halls, banging on the glass of the doors, pounding on the walls. No one could move in the halls or enter or leave the building. The glass of the Supreme Court's entrance was broken. Legislators were genuinely afraid. Our elected representatives were afraid. In our Capitol."

This is not protest--this is an attempt at mob rule.  This behavior is unacceptable regardless of who is doing it.  During the 2010 congressional campaign, I saw unon thugs use the same kind of tactics on the campaign trail.  I think it is time those members of the unions who feel that this sort of behavior is acceptable be held accountable for thier behavior.  This sort of thuggery is not part of constructive political debate.  

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