Does It Seem As If When You Are Trying To Make Ends Meet, Someone Moved The Ends ?

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Last Tuesday, a site called posted actual figures on the current inflation rate. 

The article states:

"We keep hearing that inflation remains relatively low.

"But a look at this Commodity Price Index chart indicates that the real inflation rate was over 20 percent for the past 12 months, more than 30 percent for food -- even higher for commodities we really need to live."

The article shows a chart of the inflation rate of major commodities in the past month and in the past year.  For example, the Commodity Food Price Index is up 30 percent; the Commodity Fuel Price Index is up 20 percent; cotton is up 132 percent (look for an increase in clothing this spring); and oil is up 21 percent.  Please follow the link above to see the entire chart.  It is surprising.

One of the reasons for the climbing inflation is the falling value of the United States dollar.  The United States dollar is the benchmark currency for the world, but there is currently talk of changing that.  Be prepared.  If the change away from the dollar is made, prices of everything in America will rapidly increase.  The solution to this problem is to bring sanity into government spending.  If that does not happen, America will cease to be the economic force in the world that it currently is.

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This page contains a single entry by Granny G published on February 20, 2011 2:14 PM.

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