Why Border Security Is Important

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The U. K. Daily Mail reported yesterday that U. S. border guards arrested Said Jaziri, a Muslim cleric, trying to sneak into the United States in the trunk of a Mexican BMW.

According to the article:

"Said Jaziri, who called for the death of a Danish cartoonist that drew pictures of the prophet Mohammed, was being smuggled into California when he was arrested, along with his driver Kenneth Robert Lawler."

It would be interesting to know exactly where he was headed.  According to the story, Mr. Jaziri had paid a Tijuana-based smuggling cartel $5,000 to take him across the border near Tecate, saying he wanted to be taken to a 'safe place anywhere in the U.S.'

Mr. Jaziri was deported from Canada to Tunisia in 2007 after it was discovered that he had lied on his refugee application about having served time in jail in France.

It would be interesting to know who else is attempting to sneak across the southern border of the United States.

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