Who Is The Muslim Brotherhood ?

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According to Wikipedia, the Muslim Brotherhood was founded in Egypt in 1928 by the Islamic scholar and Sufi schoolteacher Hassan al-Banna.  (I don't generally like Wikipedia as a source, but you can usually get basic information there).

The Muslim Brotherhood was banned in Egypt under President Hosni Mubarak.

Jeff Goldberg in The Atlantic posted several statements by the new Supreme Guide of the Brotherhood, Mohammad Badi, (courtesy of the Middle East Media Research Institute):

"Today the Muslims desperately need a mentality of honor and means of power [that will enable them] to confront global Zionism. [This movement] knows nothing but the language of force, so [the Muslims] must meet iron with iron, and winds with [even more powerful] storms. They crucially need to understand that the improvement and change that the [Muslim] nation seeks can only be attained through jihad and sacrifice and by raising a jihadi generation that pursues death just as the enemies pursue life."

Mr. Goldberg cites further statements:

"The Soviet Union fell dramatically, but the factors that will lead to the collapse of the U.S. are much more powerful than those that led to the collapse of the Soviet empire - for a nation that does not champion moral and human values cannot lead humanity, and its wealth will not avail it once Allah has had His say, as happened with [powerful] nations in the past. The U.S. is now experiencing the beginning of its end, and is heading towards its demise..."


"Resistance is the only solution against the Zio-American arrogance and tyranny, and all we need is for the Arab and Muslim peoples to stand behind it and support it. The peoples know well who is [carrying out] resistance and who has sold out the [Palestinian] cause and bargained over it. We say to our brothers the mujahideen in Gaza: be patient, persist in [your jihad], and know that Allah is with you..."

The thing to consider here is that America is considered a target for revolution.  As the news reports that the Muslim Brotherhood is reaching out to Mohamed El Baradei during the unrest, America needs to realize that El Baradei is not good news for either America or Israel.  What is happening in Egypt is a subtle part of the war against the west.  At some point America needs to realize that terrorism is a world-wide phenomenon and that we need to look at the entire picture--not just pieces of that picture.

The danger here is that Egypt will end its peace treaty with Israel and will align with the forces of Iran, Lebanon, and Syria in attempting to destroy Israel.  Since Israel is armed with nuclear weapons that it will use as a last resort, an attack on Israel by a new Arab coalition would be a disaster for both the Middle East and the world.

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