Who Asked For The T-Shirts ?

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The American Thinker posted a short article on its website today about the t-shirts given out at the memorial service for the people killed in the shooting in Arizona last Saturday.  The President's speech was perfect for the event--it had exactly the tone it needed and was very well done, but the t-shirts really bothered me.

The article reports:

"The "Together We Thrive" T-shirts that starred at Wednesday's Arizona `Memorial' originated from Organizing for America (here), a sad fact unearthed by The Drumbeat of Liberty and the Preservation of Freedom editor and Canada Free Press (CFP) columnist Robert Rohlfing.


"the mainstream media reported that the "Together We Thrive: Tucson & America" T-shirt given to mourners as they entered McKate Center was the idea of University of Arizona brass, not the Obama administration.

Yet the "Together We Thrive" slogan dates back to a post to Obama's own Organizing for America in a Feb. 11, 2008 post by self-described "globalist" John Berry IV.

"More than passing strange that the Obama campaign message of civility was the same on Feb. 11, 2008 as it was in his Wednesday Memorial speech, and the same one, too carried by the mainstream media in coverage of the Memorial."

What were they thinking?

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